Dependent Eligibility Verification (DEV) Process
How to Submit
We offer three ways, including new virtual processes, to submit your 1) CalPERS Employee Dependent Verification Affidavit and 2) supporting documentation. Options include:
- Scan and Email - You can scan and email your 1) CalPERS Employee Dependent Verification Affidavit and 2) supporting documentation to Please complete the affidavit, section D before scanning and submitting, by initialing the first five statements, then completing and signing the bottom of the section. Please redact SSN's on any supporting documentation before emailing.
- Scan and MOVEit -
- Complete the affidavit and gather supporting documentation.
- Section D is required to be completed.
- Scan and save the completed affidavit and supporting documentation as a pdf.
- Get Started Using MOVEit, a secure method to submit to payroll.
- Automatically register for MOVEit by visiting CSU MOVEit Transfer(opens in new window).
- Select the link in 'Getting Started' to authenticate with your user name
- Select "Send Package".
- Fill in in the “To” email address, subject and notes sections and attach file.
- Click the red "Send" box to submit.
- Complete the affidavit and gather supporting documentation.
- Drop Off - You can visit the HRSC Front Office to drop off your DEV Affidavit and supporting documentation. Within 5-7 days, Benefits will send you a confirming email and let you know if you need to submit any other documentation.
Have a question?
To ensure only eligible dependents of State employees are enrolled in employer-sponsored health coverage, California Government Code Section 22843.1 requires your employer to verify the eligibility of your dependent(s) at least once every three years. The DEV process was authorized by Senate Bill (SB) 98 creating Government Code (GC) 22843.1. Government Code section 22959 authorizes extending this review to dependents enrolled in dental benefits.
The DEV is the process of re-verifying the eligibility of family members enrolled in CalPERS health and/or CSU dental benefit coverage. Family members include:
- spouses
- domestic partners
- children
- stepchildren
- domestic partner children
If you do not have dependents on your health insurance or dental plan or if you are not currently enrolled in a CSU health insurance plan, this process does not pertain to you and you will not need to provide any documentation.
The new law requires the California State University to:
- Verify the eligibility of all employee dependents prior to enrolling them in a health and/or dental plan.
- Maintain a record of the verifying documentation for each dependent.
- Validate/verify dependent eligibility at least once every three years for most dependents.
Dependents will not be eligible to enroll or continue to be enrolled in CalPERS health and/or CSU dental coverage if employees do not provide the necessary supporting documentation prescribed by CalPERS prior to the Verification due date or the 1st day of their birth month. Each campus is responsible for the timely validation and retention of supporting documentation and notification to CalPERS.
Any questions regarding this requirement or notification should be directed to CalPERS at (888) 225-7377.
State employees enrolled in CSU health and/or dental benefits must re-verify the eligibility of all dependents by providing the necessary documentation to the Benefits Office located in Kendall Hall Room 213 or email CalPERS will produce and mail letters to each affected employee based on the employee’s birth month. This does not impact employees who are not covered under a CSU medical and/or dental plan or who do not have covered dependents under the health plan(s).
Re-verification Schedule
The eligibility of dependents must be re-verified once every three years. The re-verification period is based on an employee’s birth month. The following illustrates the schedule:
- March
- June
- September
- December
- January
- April
- July
- October
- February
- May
- August
- November
This is an on-going requirement, however, the only members who will be responsible for re-verification in 2023 will be employees with birthdays in March, June, September and December. All others will be contacted and required to re-verify during the years indicated on the schedule above.
Filing Deadline
When notified by CalPERS, employees will be required to sign and submit the CalPERS Employee Dependent Verification Affidavit (see sample) along with supporting documentation to the Benefits Office (Kendall 213) by the first day of the employee’s birth month.
If all documentation is not received prior to the 10th of the birth month, healthcare premiums may be affected and reduced to "employee only". The employee will be required to repay the difference in premiums when requested by the state controller's office (SCO).
If proper documentation is not received by the verification deadline, the dependents will lose coverage effective the first of the month following the first day of the employee’s birth month.
For more information, please contact the Benefits Office at or 530-898-5436. You may also contact CalPERS at 888-225-7377.
Required Re-Verification Supporting Documentation
Spouse or Domestic Partner
- A copy of the marriage certificate or domestic partnership registration filled with the California Secretary of State or a comparable agency in another jurisdiction listing the family member as the domestic partner.
AND - A copy of the first page of the subscriber's federal or state income tax return from the previous tax year listing the subscriber and the spouse or domestic partner.
OR - A combination of other documentation, including but not limited to, a household bill, account statement, or insurance policy listing the name and address of the subscriber and the spouse or domestic partner, or other documents that substantiate the existence of a current marriage or domestic partnership. Household bills and accounts statements older than 60 calendar days are unacceptable.
Natural-Born Children
- A copy of the birth certificate naming the employee as the parent.
Adopted Children
- A copy of the birth or adoption certificate naming the employee, spouse or domestic partner as the parent.
- A copy of the birth certificate naming the employee’s current spouse as the parent.
Domestic Partner Children
- A copy of the birth certificate naming the employee’s current domestic partner as the parent.