Conflict of Interest Prevention
What is Conflict of Interest?
Conflict of interest occurs when professional duties and personal interests intersect, putting a person in a position to personally benefit from a decision made as part of his or her job duties. As public employees, California State University (CSU) employees are subject to various conflict-of-interest-related laws and regulations.
The primary California legislative document governing conflicts of interest is the Political Reform Act of 1974 (the Act), which prohibits public employees from making, participating in making, or in any way attempting to use their official position to influence a governmental decision in which they know, or have reason to know, they have a financial interest. This applies to all CSU employees. Primary responsibility is placed upon the individual employee to be familiar with the requirements of the Act. In addition, if CSU employees have a personal financial interest in a university decision, they are required to publicly announce the financial interest and disqualify themselves from involvement in the decision. CSU employees should also be sensitive to the appearance of conflict of interest when participating in university decisions, even when a true conflict does not exist.
- Conflict of Interest Code
The California Political Reform Act requires certain state and local government officials to publicly disclose their private economic interests on the Form 700, Statement of Economic Interests. Additionally, it requires that all government (University) employees disqualify themselves from participating in decisions in which they have a personal financial interest.
- Designated Positions(opens in new window) (PDF)
- CSU Disclosure Categories (PDF)
- Form 700, Statement of Economic Interests (PDF)
- CSU-specific Conflicts of Interest training (available in the training system)
- Designated Positions
In alignment with state law, the CSU’s Conflict of Interest code requires Employees in Designated Positions(opens in new window) (PDF) to:
- Annually complete a statement of economic interests (Form 700 or Form 700-U), and
- Take related training. The California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) regulates this process. Requirements are codified in California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 2, Division 6, §18734 [disclosure requirements] and Education Code (EC) §89500.7 [training].
- Training
California State law mandates that employees who must file a Statement of Economic Interest Form (FPPC Form 700), or designated employees, must take an ethics training every two years or within six months of first assuming their designated position. Employees in Designated Positions are likely to encounter decisions where a conflict of interest might arise. The CSU further designates its employees must take a CSU-specific Conflicts of Interest training.
- Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700 and Form 700-U)
Employees in Designated Positions are also required by state law to file a Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700) on an annual basis. [Principal Investigators complete a CSU Form 700-U.] Each designated position has been assigned disclosure categories based on the position description. For more information, please refer to the "Resources" below or contact the campus COI filing officer at, 530-898-6771.
- The Form 700 process alerts employees to potential conflicts of interests
- Employees must report potential conflicts of interest
- Disclosure on Form 700 is not enough
- Employees must report to supervisor
- Campus/COI Officer must analyze whether employee has a conflict and if so, should be removed or disqualified from related decisions
- Resources
- CSU Conflict of Interest Program(opens in new window)
- CSU Disclosure Categories (PDF)
- Campus Designated Positions List(opens in new window)
- Frequently Asked Questions: Form Disclosure (PDF) (rev. 4/2019)
- Provides a list of frequently asked questions that are often asked to FPPC by employees completing Form 700. Frequently asked questions regarding gift disclosure are also included.
- 2019-2020 Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests Reference Pamphlet (PDF)
- Provides information to assist employees in designated positions on how to complete their Form 700.
- Limitations and Restrictions on Gifts, Honoraria, Travel and Loans Fact Sheet (PDF) (rev. 4/2019)
- This fact sheet summarizes the major provisions concerning gifts, honoraria, travel and loans. The aggregate limitation on gifts, which is indexed for inflation every two years, is $500 (2019-2020 limit) from a single source in a calendar year.
- Conflict of Interest Handbook (PDF)
- This handbook prepared by the CSU Office of General Counsel profiles information on conflict statues.
- CSU Form 700 Demo and Tutorial(opens in new window)
Need Help?
- Questions regarding a potential conflict of interest? Contact:
- Staff and Managers: Sheryl Woodward, AVP for Staff Human Resources
- Faculty: Mahalley Allen, Vice Provost for faculty Affairs and Success
- Purchases: Sara Rumiano, AVP for Procurement and Distribution Services/Real Estate
- Form 700 questions, contact
- Form 700U questions, contact Chico State Enterprises Grants Management(opens in new window), 530-898-5700