Preferred Name Change Request
Current active state employees holding faculty, staff, or management positions may request a Preferred Name be added or changed in PeopleSoft. The Preferred Name can be seen in the CSU Learn training system, is the name used in Account Center to create the user name, and is used in several other systems.
Foundation and Associated Student employees should contact their respective Human Resources offices for name changes. Student Employees must change their Preferred Name with the Student Records office.
Request Name Change (opens in new window)
To request the change, use the Request Name Change button to download an Outlook template. For those not using Outlook, copy and paste the template language below into an email to Note in the subject, Preferred Name Change request.
I would like to change my Preferred Name in PeopleSoft. I understand that the Preferred Name change will be sent to Student Records and (if applicable) will also update any student records associated with my name.
Chico State ID #:
Preferred First Name:
Preferred Middle Name (can be blank):
Preferred Last Name: