Human Resources Service Center

CHRS Recruiting (PageUp) - Recruitment & Selection Guidelines

The following steps will walk a hiring department through updating documents to making a final offer. For general information about CHRS Recruiting, please visit the CHRS Recruiting Homepage.

For an overview of the steps below, please view the End to End Recruitment Process Quick Reference (PDF).


Prior to initiating a requisition, please ensure that you have undergone training provided by a recruiter in Employment Services. It is essential that all individuals initiating requisitions are equipped with the necessary knowledge and guidance to navigate the process effectively.

For first-time search committee chairs, our recruiters are readily available to offer comprehensive training sessions. These sessions are designed to familiarize chairs with the system and clarify their responsibilities throughout the process.

Should you require any form of training or assistance, please feel free to reach out to the designated individuals listed below, based on your division:

Jenni Merlo

Human Resources Generalist 
Chat with Jenni in Teams

  • Academic Affairs
  • University Advancement
  • Information Technology
  • Office of the President
  • Business and Finance
LaReesa Solis-Myers

Human Resources Generalist
Chat with LaReesa in Teams

  • Student Affairs

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  • Step 1: Position Number Update

    Ensure the position number for the vacant or new position is up to date and as accurate as possible. The information connected to the position number will autofill many fields on the requisition. For information on position management, please visit the University Budget Office website.

  • Step 2: Required Documents

    The department will update any current recruitment documents. Employment Services recruiters can help locate position descriptions, interview questions, and criteria from previous recruitments. The following documents are required for all recruitments:

    1. Staff Position Description(opens in new window) or MPP Position Description(opens in new window)
    2. Physical Requirements and Work Environment(opens in new window)
    3. Organizational Chart showing the position to be reviewed
    4. Screening Criteria (Screening Criteria is created by the Hiring Manager and should be based on the stated qualifications on the position description)
    5. Interview Questions
      • Supplemental Questions (optional)
    6. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Interview Questions - Please include at least one Equity, Diversity and Inclusion question in your list of interview questions. (Samples available (PDF))
    7. MPP Position Justification Form(opens in new window)- this additional document is REQUIRED if you are recruiting for an Administrator (MPP) position.
    8. Confirm all committee members you are considering have completed Avoiding Bias in Hiring(opens in new window) training.
  • STEP 3: Enter Requisition

    The department will enter a requisition through CHRS Recruiting (PageUp) using the Staff and MPP Requisition Process Instructions (PDF).

    Note: Prior to initiating a requisition, please ensure that you have undergone training provided by your assigned recruiter in Employment Services.

    When selecting a committee chair and search committee members, please make sure all members are up to date on Avoiding Bias in Hiring training.

    The search committee is required to consist of at least three members, including on member from a different division.  It's important to note that increasing the number of committee members past three members can pose challenges in scheduling meetings and interviews.

  • STEP 4: Vacancy Announcement
  • STEP 5: Additional Advertising

    Chico State is committed to having an inclusive campus community that reflects the demographics of our student body. Efforts shall be made by campus search committees to attract a robust pool of applicants that includes people of color and others who have been historically Underserved allowing for equal access to all job opportunities on our campus.

    Departments are encouraged to expand recruitment outreach by advertising job opportunities utilizing a variety of sources. Employment Services posts all staff and MPP job opportunities to the list included in Step 4: Vacancy Announcement.

    Departments may elect to purchase additional advertising. Diversity site suggestions are available, please visit the Additional Advertising Sites webpage for more information. The campus has a contract with JobElephant, a recruitment and advertising agency. JobElephant can give suggestions on websites to post to and can take care of posting your position to your requested site for no additional upcharge. For more information, please contact our JobElephant representative Andy Boom at For additional questions, please reach out to your recruiter in Human Resources.

  • STEP 6: Screening Process

    Minimum Qualifications

    1. Employment Services screens applications for completeness and for minimum qualifications according to Classification Standards(opens in new window) unless the hiring manager requests to screen the applicants.
    2. Applicants that do not meet minimum qualifications are notified.

    Note: Employment Services will begin screening applications after the expiration of the posting period (minimum of 14 days) or after the review date for positions that are open until filled. The appropriate administrator may extend the recruitment period for the purpose of attracting additional applicants, or cancel the search if, in the judgment of the administrator, the pool is insufficient in size and quality to produce a successful outcome. Ideally, a successful recruitment will result in a broad and diverse pool of applicants. If a search fails because of an inadequate pool of candidates and a new search must be initiated, the recruitment strategy should be examined to see how it could be improved.

    Transition to Committee

    Charge Meeting

    Before applicants are transitioned to the search committee to begin screening, it is recommended but not required, for the hiring manager to have a charge meeting with the committee. A charge meeting is an opportunity for the hiring manager to describe the position in detail and convey the ideal candidates' qualities (which should be reflected in the position description, criteria, and interview questions). This is also an opportunity for the search committee to ask the hiring manager any additional questions pertaining to the recruitment documents.

    1. Employment Services transitions applicants in CHRS Recruiting.
    2. An email is sent to the committee with Staff and MPP Screening Process Instructions (PDF).

    Note: If requested, a meeting may be scheduled with Employment Services to review the recruitment process.

    Search Committee Screening

    1. Search Committee members individually screen the applications using established criteria.  Please refer to the Guide to Equity in the Hiring Process (PDF) for best practices during screening.
    2. Committee reconvenes, identifies candidates to interview and the search committee chair completes the Applicant Screening Consensus form.
    3. Committee Chair submits the Applicant Screening Consensus to Employment Services through PageUp.

    Note: For certain positions, the committee must honor applicable collective bargaining agreement requirements pertaining to preferences to be afforded to qualified applicants currently employed in the CSU.

  • STEP 7: Interviewing

    Employment Services

    1. Reviews the Applicant Screening Consensus and an email is sent to the Committee Chair with Staff and MPP Interview Process Instructions (PDF) and approval to move forward in scheduling interviews.
    2. Notifies applicants who were not selected for an interview.

    Search Committee

    1. Committee Chair will schedule the interviews.
      1. It's important to ensure that all applicants are given equal opportunities throughout the interview process.  Per guidance from the Chancellor’s Office, all candidates are to be interviewed using the same method. They must be either all Zoom or all In-person interviews.
      2. As per the guidance from the Office of General Counsel at the Chancellor's Office, we adhere to a policy of not recording any interviews.  In the event that a search committee member is unable to attend an interview, they will not be eligible to provide any comments or feedback regarding that particular candidate following the interview.
      3. When conducting interviews via Zoom, it is helpful to copy and paste each interview question into the chat as it is asked, giving the candidate the opportunity to read along. For in-person interviews, a copy of the interview questions should be provided to the candidate at the start of the interview.  This will provide a more equitable interview process for those who find it easier to follow along by reading. 

    Note: Effective January 1, 2018, California Law dictates that state and local government employers are prohibited from inquiring, or prompting applicants for employment about their salary history.

    In order to comply with the new requirements, our campus has removed all questions related to salary history from the applications for employment, recruitment information, and recruitment systems. Committees must refrain from inquiring or prompting applicants about their salary history throughout the recruitment process.

    If you have further questions, you may contact Employment Services(opens in new window) or refer to the following Technical Letters.

  • STEP 8: Final Candidate Selection


    Hiring Manager is encouraged, but not required to conduct a second interview with the top candidate(s) or follow the committee's recommendation.

    Notifies Employment Services of the selected candidate through the Staff and MPP Interview Process (PDF) instructions.

    Employment Services

    1. Reviews submitted interview summary form.
    2. Coordinates salary review with Director of Talent Management.
    3. Employment Verification — A minimum of two employment history checks are required for every new hire. Employment verifications should be conducted by the appropriate Administrator in the Department.

    Moving and Relocation

    Not all appointees or current CSU employees will be eligible for Moving and Relocation (M&R) allocations. The decision by an appointing authority (hiring manager) to offer a M&R allocation is discretionary and contingent upon the availability of funds and compliance with CSU policy, campus guidelines and approval authorizations. All such expenditures must be reasonable, necessary, and fiscally prudent.

    For additional information and process, please view the full Moving and Relocation Procedure(opens in new window) document and form.

  • STEP 9: Contingent Offer of Employment
    1. Once salary is determined, an Authorization to Hire is sent to the appropriate Administrator notifying them of the details of the selected candidate.
    2. Upon approval of the Authorization To Hire, the appropriate Administrator or Employment Services will extend the contingent verbal offer of employment to the candidate confirming the offer status (accept or decline) and salary.

    Note: Contingent offers can only be extended by the appropriate Administrator or Employment Services, without exception.

  • STEP 10: Contingencies

    Once the contingent offer has been accepted, Employment Services will begin to clear contingencies required by the position (may require some or all of the following):

    1. Background Check
    2. Education Verification
    3. Pre-employment Physical
    4. Driver’s License Clearance

    Note: If you require more information, please visit the Background Check Procedures page.

  • STEP 11: Formal Offer

    After all contingencies have cleared, the candidate will be given the formal offer of employment and a start date will be determined.

    Note: Formal offers can only be extended by the appropriate Administrator or Employment Services, without exception.

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