Self Service Benefit Information
The Benefits Information section can be used to view your Benefit information that is tracked in the PeopleSoft HR system.
- View Benefits Summary
Click View Benefits Summary button for from PeopleSoft HR Self Service from Main Menu navigate to Self Service > Benefits > Benefits Summary
The Benefits Summary Page is used to view current and/or historic Benefit elections and link you to the actual Benefit Plans. You can review all of your Benefit Elections on this summary page. Only those plans that you have elected will be listed here. If you are not benefit eligible or if you have chosen not to elect benefits, then you will see the following message in red “No Benefit Plans were found as of the date entered above.”
In Benefits Summary you can review the following information:
- Medical Enrollments
- Dental Enrollments
- Dependents
- Vision Plan
- Life Insurance Plan
- Long Term Disability(LTD)
Medical and Dental enrollment historic data can be viewed back to July 2003 and Vision, Life & AD/D, LTD historical data can be viewed back to 6/1/2006. If your spouse/domestic partner is also a CSU Chico employee they may be the primary subscriber. Medical/dental enrollment information would only be viewable on one record.
Benefit Eligible Employee
Enter another Effective Date and click on the “Go” push button to view prior benefit elections. From here, you can access the Medical and/or Dental Benefit Plan information by clicking on the hyperlink.
Non-Eligible Employee
If you are currently not enrolled in benefits but were previously enrolled, you can enter a different effective date to view your benefit elections.
How to View Your Health Plans
You can view your Health Plans by clicking on the Medical, Dental, Vision, and Life and AD/D hyperlinks on the Benefits Summary page. You will be able to review your Medical, Dental, Vision, Life and AD/D coverage and Covered Dependents for Medical, Dental, and Vision. From this page, you can view your current or historic information and can also access provider websites. Click the hyperlink on the “Plan Provider” field to open the provider website. When done, close the new window and you will still have an active session in HR Self Serve.
To view detail dependent data, click on the name of the dependent in the Covered Dependents section of the Medical, Dental, or Vision page. The Dependent Personal Information page will appear. Click the Return to View Health Care plan link to take you back to the Medical, Dental or Vision Plan Page.
To add, remove or change any information regarding your Medical, Dental, and Vision information contact the Human Resources Benefits Office (530) 898-4948 located in Kendall Hall Room 220. Group ID‟s for Dental plans are not maintained. For additional info use the “Benefits Insurance Carrier” link available on portal page or on HR website.
- View Leave Balances & Usage
Click View Leave Balances & Usage button above or from PeopleSoft HR Self Service from Main Manu navigate to Self Service > Time Reporting > Employee Balance Inquiry
From this page you will be able to view your balances as of the end of the last pay period and current State Service (months). There are three tabs you can navigate to to get the following balances:
Absence balances
In Absence Balances tab you can view:
- Sick Balance
- Vacation Balance
- Personal Holiday Available
Compensatory Time
In Compensatory Time tab you can view:
- Balances as of Date
- CTO Balance
- Holiday Credit Balance
- Holiday CTO Balance
- Excess Balance
- Expiry ADO Balance
- Non Expiry ADO Balance
State Service for Absence
In State service for Absence tab you can view:
- State Service Months
- State Service Hours Carryover
- Sick Carryover Hours
- Vacation Carryover Hours
- State Service FTE Carryover
Balance Detail Page
To view leave balance information for prior pay periods, click the Details icon located at the end of each balance inquiry tab. The Absence Balance Details page will display your leave accruals and usage back to July 1, 2008. The 7/2008 row of data will show an adjustment of your balance as of that date that was brought forward from the California Leave Accounting System (CLAS), the legacy system previously used by Payroll. The Sick Taken and Vacation Taken columns on the Sick tab and Vacation tabs will display any Catastrophic Leave (CAT) donations you may have made. Any adjustments that have been made to your balances will be shown in the "Adjusted‟ columns. To see other balance types click the labeled tabs. There are 14 tabs available and only the first 11 will be viewable. To navigate to next set tabs click the right arrow icon located at right end of navigation tabs.
Click each of the labeled tabs to see details for:
- Sick
- Vacation
- Personal Holiday
- Holiday Credit
- Holiday CTO
- Excess
- Non Exp ADO
- State Service
- State Service Hours
- Service Hours Sick
- Service Hours Vacation
- Service Hours FTE
Graduated Vacation Chart
From the Employee Balance Inquiry page, you can view Vacation Accrual Rates and Maximum Vacation & CTO credits information. Click the Graduated Vacation Chart link to open the document. This document will open in a separate window so you will not lose your portal page if you choose to view the document.