How to access HR Self Service links on the Portal
The HR Self Service User Guide provides detailed information and links. These links are also available through the My Portal page on the Portal(opens in new window).
Log in using your Portal User Name and password. Your Portal ID is your network ID just like you are logging into your computer. If you are unable to log in to your portal account, contact IT Support Services at 530-898-4357.
Once you have logged into your portal account, links to the Employee Information information(opens in new window) are available on the My Portal page. There is a list of links to HR Self Service in the HR Employee Information section of the My Portal page. Click on the HR Self Service menu items as needed. The portal will take you directly into PeopleSoft HR. Once in, you can use portal links go to specific locations or use the specific navigation listed throughout this user guide.
When links are clicked the page will open within a new window. Remember to close all windows when done.
Chico State is using baseline software which is referred to as PeopleSoft HR in this document. The Chancellor's Office supports administrative functions with a shared, common suite of Oracle/PeopleSoft applications software. Please refer to the csyou CMS website(opens in new window) for further information.
Once you are logged into PeopleSoft HR, you will have access to the HR Self Service pages via the HR Self Service Home page. From there, you will be able to access the Personal Information, Benefits Information, Payroll and Compensation Information pages.
Administrative users will also see navigation for additional pages for which they have access. Please note that the PeopleSoft CS and PeopleSoft HR applications are two separate databases. To avoid issues we advise logging into only one application in the same browser at a time.