Human Resources Service Center

Application Deadline & Requirements

Fee Waiver Application Periods are separate from university admission application deadlines. If the student is going to be a new "matriculated" student (for the Career Development Option or the Dependent Option), it is important to apply for university admission during the application priority filing periods(opens in new window).

Fee Waiver Deadlines

Important: Please pay fees before the fee payment deadline.

Application Dates

SemesterFirst Day Last Day
*WinterOct 1Nov 8
SpringOct 1Nov 8
SummerApr 5Jun 7
FallApr 5Jun 7

*Most or all courses during this term at Chico State or other CSU campuses may not be state-funded and therefore not covered by the fee waiver program.


  • Submit a fee waiver application for each semester of enrollment.
  • In order to continue in the Fee Waiver Program, you or your dependent needs to maintain good standing academically, which means:
    • C average or better for undergraduate students
    • B average or better for graduate students
  • Grades are audited each semester. Unfortunately, if you allow your grades to fall below good academic standing, you will be dropped from the program.

One-Time CSU Application Fee Refund Process

First time applicants under the Fee Waiver Program may be able to get a CSU Application Fee refund. Only one application fee will be reimbursed regardless of the number of applications submitted via Cal State Apply. Reimbursement occurs directly to the student's account after census, typically mid-September for fall and mid-February for spring.

Questions regarding the admissions process can be directed to Undergraduate Admissions or Graduate Admissions