Human Resources Service Center

Dependent Eligibility

Who may be an eligible dependent?

spouse, domestic partner or dependent child that meets the criteria below.

Criteria 1: The employee must be eligible

If the employee has met the fee waiver eligibility(opens in new window) criteria, to be able to transfer the fee waiver to a dependent, the dependent must meet the dependent eligibility criteria and other criteria listed below.

Criteria 2: The dependent must be eligible

spouse, domestic partner or dependent child needs to be admitted and matriculated toward a degree or attainment of a teaching credential at a CSU campus. And the course(s) taken through the fee waiver program need to be  for credit toward completion of that degree or teaching credential. The courses must be state-funded - see "Types of Eligible Courses" below for more information.

A dependent child for fee waiver eligibility is defined as:
Employee CategoryDependent Child Age* Criteria
Unit 1 (Physicians)
Unit 10 (IUOE)
• A child or stepchild under age 23 who has never been married;
• A child living with the employee in a parent-child relationship who is economically dependent upon the employee, underage 23 and has never been married; or
• A child or stepchild age 23 or above who is incapable of self-support due to a disability which existed prior to age 23.

Units 2, 5, 7, 9, (CSUEU)
Unit 3 (Faculty)
Unit 4 (Academic Professionals)
Unit 6 (Skilled Trades)
Unit 8 (Public Safety)
C99 (Confidential)
M98 (Executive)
M80 (MPP)

• A child or stepchild under age 25 who has never been married;
• A child living with the employee in a parent-child relationship who is economically dependent upon the employee, underage 25 and has never been married; or
• A child or stepchild age 25 or above who is incapable of self-support due to a disability which existed prior to age 25.
E99 (Excluded)N/A

* As of the first day of classes for the semester (for CSU, Chico).

  • Courses and Units
    Types of Eligible Courses

    Fee waiver applies to CSU state-supported (general fund) courses only, including state-supported courses that are offered through summer term.

    Not eligible: Courses in self-support (i.e. Regional & Continuing Education, Extended Education) programs may not be taken through the CSU Employee Fee Waiver and Reduction Program.  In addition, fees for joint doctoral program that are paid directly to the "partner" university cannot be waived in the CSU Employee Fee Waiver and Reduction.

  • Other Criteria
    • Campus administration has determined that space is available in the desired class.
    • The dependent fee waiver applies only to certain fees incurred by California residents. Out-of-state dependents will be responsible for paying nonresident tuition charges based upon the total number of units in which they are enrolled.
    • Fee Waiver applies only to State Funded courses.
    • The dependent fee waiver may be transferred to only one person at a time.
    • If both parents are employees eligible to transfer their fee waiver benefit to a dependent child, each employee may transfer the benefits. Therefore, it is possible for one child to receive both benefits and be eligible to enroll in up to four (4) courses or 12 units, whichever is greater, on a fee waiver basis. Alternatively, each employee could transfer his/her benefit to a different child, and each child will be entitled to two (2) courses or six (6) units of fee waiver eligibility.
    • An employee transferring his/her fee waiver benefit to a spouse, domestic partner or dependent child needs to sign the Dependent Fee Waiver Program Application(opens in new window), certifying that the benefits have been transferred and that the individual using the benefit is in fact an eligible dependent. The employee cannot use the fee waiver benefit if it has been transferred to a dependent during a single semester.
    • Dependents using the fee waiver plan may enroll in courses at any CSU campus