Human Resources Service Center

Career Development Option

This option is for employees who wish to pursue a specific degree, credential, or certificate. A fee waiver application must be submitted to Learning and Development each semester of active enrollment.

Depending on operational needs and the CBA, the supervisor may approve one (1) class to be taken on State time.

  • Steps for First time Users
    1. Apply for Admissions: 
      • Apply to the California State University (CSU) of your choice, use the Cal State Apply platform. Once you submit your application, you will receive updates about its status. If accepted, you will receive important emails in your work account regarding key dates, deadlines, and an “Invitation to Register.”
    2. Submit Application:
      • Fill out an Employee Fee Waiver Application, select the Career Development option, and follow the provided instructions to route it through Adobe for manager and/or MPP signature approvals.

        Learning and Development will receive the application in their Adobe account and will verify benefit eligibility.

        If the employee is determined to be eligible and is attending CSU, Chico, an approved application will be sent to Undergraduate or Graduate Admissions. If you attend another CSU, the application will be sent via email to the campus-attending Fee Waiver Coordinator.

    3. Register for classes: 
      • Visit your Student Portal (under the 'Student' tab) to verify the date and specific time when you can start registering for classes.

    4. Pay Fees
      • Pay fees (opens in new window)using the financials tab in your student portal account or at the Student Financial Services Center (SSC), room 230. Tell them you are participating in the employee fee waiver program so they can code the payment properly. Be sure to pay all fees due before deadlines.
      • Classes may be dropped and/or an overdue payment fee (non-refundable) may be assessed if your fees and forms are not received by the deadlines.
    5.  Be timely with your applications and review your Student Portal frequently
  • Returning Career Development Employees
    1. Each semester of enrollment, submit an Employee Fee Waiver Application, selecting the Career Development Option.
    2. Adobe will route the form to managers and/or MPP’s signature approval.
    3. Pay fees.
    4. Register for classes.
  • Changing, Adding or Deleting Courses?
    • Submit a revised Fee Waiver Application through Adobe. Check the box under the “Course information and Release time” section, indicating you are submitting a revised application.


(Has a degree and taking grad courses = grad admit)

Had a break in enrollment?

  • For Undergraduate students, contact Admissions for re-submission to the University.
  • Graduate Students utilizing the Career Development Fee Waiver option are not required to maintain continuous enrollment for each semester of their program. They may submit an application, via Cal State Apply(opens in new window) by the posted application deadline, to reactivate their student status. Also, contact the Graduate Admission Coordinator for assistance.

Considering going back to school? Explore the links below: