New Unit 3 Employee Introduction
Welcome to Chico State! Please take time to watch the Information Playlist curated for Unit 3 employees: faculty, lecturers, librarians, coaches and certain academic counselors. The videos provide information regarding personnel processes and more.
New Unit 3 Employee Information Playlist(opens in new window)
In coordination with the Playlist above, go through the following sections, perhaps one a day, to become more familiar with important aspects of working at Chico State.
- Unit 3 Employees - Getting Started (see below)
- Human Resources Service Center Welcome
- Payroll Overview
- Benefits Introduction
- Wildcats Ensure Support and Safety
- Information Technology Support Services
- Protecting Others - Avoiding Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation
- Environmental Health and Safety
- Information Security & Identity Management
- Facilities Management and Services
- Onboarding During Your First Week
- University Strategic Plan and Priorities
- The CSU: Preparing Students to Create California's Future
- Compliance Training & Learning and Development
- Cal Employee Connect
Unit 3 Employees - Getting Started
Human Resources Service Center (HRSC) Welcome (for Unit 3)(opens in new window)
- A few weeks prior to your first paycheck, you should receive email notices to complete compliance training from All CSU campuses use CSU Learn to deliver and track the completion of required training. Please work with your supervisor to schedule at least four hours to complete this training. In addition, CSU Learn offers a plethora of Learning and Development courses, books and videos.
- Learning and Development provides links to fee waiver eligibility information, training events and more. You can email or for more information.
- After you receive your first paycheck, it is important to enroll in Cal Employee Connect to be able to access earnings statements and your future W-2 online.
- Review Welcome from HRSC (PDF) for specific information for Unit 3 employees.
Payroll Overview (for Unit 3)(opens in new window)
- Review Payroll Presentation (PDF) for information specific to Unit 3 employees.
- Virtual Services(opens in new window)
- Calendars, Deadlines and Schedules(opens in new window)
- Cal Employee Connect(opens in new window)
- You can email with questions.
Benefits Introduction (for Unit 3)(opens in new window)
- Review Benefits Presentation (PDF) for information specific to Unit 3 employees.
- Ready to sign up? Review the Enrollment Guidelines(opens in new window) and open the enrollment form (PDF). Feel free to contact the Benefits Unit(opens in new window) to find out the best way to turn in your form while working remotely.
- A Benefits(opens in new window) staff member will reach out to eligible employees to help you begin the enrollment process. Please take time to review the CSU, Chico Benefits Program Overview for Staff and Managers(opens in new window), which includes important details and links to more information. If you a benefits-eligible, please remember you must enroll in benefits during the first 60 days of employment. We also highly recommend you watch the Early Career Basics video about our CalPERS retirement system.
- You are welcome to email with questions.
California Faculty Association
You are represented by the California Faculty Association, a union of 29,000 professors, lecturers, librarians, counselors and coaches who teach in the California State University system. In classrooms on the 23 CSU campuses, CFA members work hard to teach our students. To join, as an active member with rights to vote and engage fully on behalf of yourself and others, go to
More New Employee Information
For the remaining videos and information, please go to the Virtual New Employee Orientation web page.