Pay Plans
With his or her supervisor's approval, an employee may change his or her work schedule (12 months to 10 or 11 months) and spread his or her pay over a 12-month period. Under the 10/12 or 11/12 pay plan, a portion of the employee's money is reserved (banked) each month to provide pay and continue eligible benefits during his or her month(s) off. Movement to or from the 10/12 or 11/12 pay plans is done with a Staff Action Form.
Benefits to Employee
- Employee continues to receive leave accruals (vacation and sick leave) for each pay period in pay status.
- Retirement contributions continue for each pay period.
- State service and seniority points continue for each pay period.
- Recommendations
- Start 10/12 or 11/12 pay plan employees at the beginning of a cycle.
- Avoid time base changes, pay docks, and leaves-without-pay while on the 10/12 or 11/12 pay plan.
- Consult with the Payroll Office or the Employment Office before changing a 10/12 or 11/12 employee's month(s) off.
- 10/12 Work and time off cycles
A yearly cycle in the 10/12 Pay Plan is normally five (5) consecutive pay periods in work status, followed by one (1) pay period off or ten (10) consecutive pay periods in work status, followed by two (2) consecutive pay periods off. Variations of the normal schedule may be approved subject to the following conditions:
- The employee does not owe money at the end of his or her cycle.
- Both the time worked and the scheduled months off occur within the 12-month cycle.
- The month(s) off is a full pay period or mid-month to mid-month (e.g., July 15 through August 14).
Examples of other 10/12 work/time off cycles:
- Ex. 1: 6 months on, 1 month off and 4 months on, 1 month off
- Ex. 2: 7 months on, 1 month off and 3 months on, 1 month off
- 11/12 Work and time off cycles
A yearly cycle in the 11/12 Pay Plan is 11 consecutive pay periods in work status, followed by one (1) pay period off. Conditions for 11/12 cycle are:
- The employee does not owe money at the end of his or her cycle.
- Both the time worked and the scheduled months off occur within the 12-month cycle.
- Calculations for 10/12 or 11/12 pay plans:
12/12 salary rate to 10/12
- Current monthly rate x 10 months divided by 12 months and round to nearest whole number = new monthly rate
- Example: $2317 x 10 months divided by 12 = $1930.8333 Rate is $1931 per month
- Employee receives 12 paychecks
12/12 salary rate to 11/12
- Current monthly rate x 11 months divided by 12 months and round to nearest whole number = new monthly rate
- Example: $2317 x 11 months divided by 12 = $2123.9166 Rate is $2124 per month
10/12 salary rate to 12/12
- Current monthly rate x 12 months divided by 10 months and round to nearest whole number = new monthly rate
- Example: $1931 x 12 divided by 10 = $2317.20 Rate is $2317 per month
11/12 salary rate to 12/12
- Current monthly rate x 12 months divided by 11 months and round to nearest whole number = new monthly rate
- Example: $2124 x 12 divided by 11 = $2317.0909 Rate is $2317 per month
- Full Or Partial Leave Without Pay
A full-time employee or part-time permanent employee may be granted a full or partial leave of absence without pay for up to one (1) year. Specific conditions of Leaves Without Pay:
- If the Partial Leave Without Pay results in a time base of 50% or greater health, dental, and vision insurance will continue.
- Time spent on leave will not constitute a break in service.
- Leave Accruals (vacation and sick leave) will be prorated to the appropriate time base.
- Service credit towards leave accrual will be prorated to the appropriate time base.
- Credit towards CalPERS service will be prorated to the appropriate time base.
- Contributions to CalPERS will be based on gross salary earnings during the leave.