IMC Productions

Contact Us

IMC Productions can provide you with high-quality solutions for your media needs. We'd love to talk with you about your projects and ideas.

Your Place?

If you'd like to talk with us in person, we'd be glad to come to you at your location.

Or Our Place?

Would you like to take a tour of our production facility? We'd love to show you around our place and have you meet some of our talented staff. If you're too busy to come here, perhaps you'd like to take a virtual tour of our facility. It's the next best thing to being here.

Contact Information

Contact us to set up a meeting:

  • Phone: 530-898-4295
  • Fax: 530-898-3699
  • E-mail or a call back using the form below.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Can't Wait?

Send us an e-mail from the form, or send directly to

Accessibility is Everything

IMC Productions, as part of the CSU system, supports the Chancellor’s Executive Order 926. We can convert your documents, presentation materials, training materials, and online audio and video media to meet accessibility requirements. Whether it is MS Word, PDF documents, electronic forms, MS PowerPoint, or online audio and video, we can make it accessible to everyone. We apply our exacting standards to every project we work on.