Spring 2018 FSSE Administration is closed
Announced on: Tuesday, May 08, 2018
Our Spring 2018 administration of the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) closed Monday, April 30th. Some of the stats
- 283 eligible faculty participated in the FSSE
- 237 faculty completed the survey
- 46 faculty partially completed the survey
- Our completion response rate was 23.4% of the 1,014 eligible
, compared to 16.8% of the 931 eligiblefaculty last Spring 2016faculty
Patricia "Micki" Lennon was randomly selected to win the iPad mini 4 Wi-Fi Space Gray ($350 value) tablet courtesy of Follett/Chico State Wildcat Store - Congratulations, Micki!
For additional information on FSSE and our prior FSSE results, please visit our campus FSSE page at http://www.csuchico.edu/ir/assessment/fsse.shtml.
Please direct your questions about the NSSE to our Office of Institutional Research via email to ir@csuchico.edu or call 530-898-5623.