Institutional Research and Strategic Analytics

Spring 2018 FSSE Administration is closed

Announced on: Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Our Spring 2018 administration of the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) closed Monday, April 30th. Some of the stats on this survey:

  1. 283 eligible faculty participated in the FSSE
    1. 237 faculty completed the survey
    2. 46 faculty partially completed the survey
  2. Our completion response rate was 23.4% of the 1,014 eligible faculty, compared to 16.8% of the 931 eligible faculty last Spring 2016

Patricia "Micki" Lennon was randomly selected to win the iPad mini 4 Wi-Fi Space Gray ($350 value) tablet courtesy of Follett/Chico State Wildcat Store - Congratulations, Micki!

    Micki Lennon receiving the iPad mini raffle prize

For additional information on FSSE and our prior FSSE results, please visit our campus FSSE page at

Please direct your questions about the NSSE to our Office of Institutional Research via email to or call 530-898-5623.