Institutional Research and Strategic Analytics

Spring 2018 NSSE Administration is closed

Announced on: Wednesday, Apr. 04, 2018

Our Spring 2018 administration of the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) closed April 1st. Some of the stats on this survey:

  1. 1,935 students participated in the NSSE
    1. 1,512 students completed the survey (506 frosh and 1,006 seniors)
    2. 423 student partially completed the survey (181 frosh and 242 seniors)
  2. Our overall response rate was 19.8% of eligible students, compared to 12.9% last Spring 2016
    1. our frosh response rate was 17.3%, compared to 9.5% last Spring 2016
    2. our senior response rate was 21.6%, compared to 15.3% last Spring 2016
  3. Most of our NSSE responses were submitted by responding to NSSE email reminders. 17% of our NSSE responses were submitted through our Blackboard Learn integration.

Of the 1,512 students who completed the survey, Kelsey Bowles was randomly selected to win the iPad mini 4 Wi-Fi Gold, 64GB ($350 value) tablet courtesy of Follett/Chico State Wildcat Store - Congratulations, Kelsey!

For additional information on NSSE and our prior NSSE results, please visit our campus NSSE page at

Please direct your questions about the NSSE to our Office of Institutional Research via email to or call 530-898-5623.