Spring 2018 Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) Administration Period
Our Spring 2018 Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) administration period is Monday, April 9 through Friday, April 27.
Our campus Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) process is an important part of our students' college experience. Our SET process provides students with the opportunity to give feedback on courses they are taking and the instructors who teach those courses. Faculty
SETs are conducted using paper forms or online forms. Students take the paper SET inside the classroom without the faculty present. Students take the online SET on a web-enabled electronic device (computer, laptop, tablet, or phone). Online SETs may be conducted in the classroom (similar to paper SETs, to improve response rates) or on the student’s own time within the 3 weeks SET is conducted.
Recent updates to our campus SET process:
- SET response rate dashboards allow one to look at response rates down to the department level.
- Per USET Committee, effective this Spring 2018 semester, student signatures are no longer required across the sealed flaps for paper SETs.
- Copies of the online and paper SET instructions for faculty and students are now available from our campus SET website at www.csuchico.edu/ir/set (linked
within the schedule).
We encourage all students to participate in this important process. Faculty and future students benefit most from SETs when students provide constructive feedback on the faculty’s teaching style, the content of the course, and grading.
For additional information on Chico State's SET process, visit our campus SET website at www.csuchico.edu/ir/set.
Please direct all inquiries about our SET process via email to ir@csuchico.edu or call 530 898-5623. Thank you!