There are two ways to filter the supported locations using the drop-down menu below. Choose "show rooms with any selected service" to see rooms with any service you select for a broad overview. Choose "show rooms with all selected services" to see rooms that have only the filters you select. Check the box next to a service to choose that filter. To quickly filter through the rooms, click uncheck all filters and then select an individual item.
Rooms with an icon in the OS (operating system) column will have a device built into the room for presenting. If there is no icon, then you will have to bring your own device to display digital content. Please contact your department or visit Meriam Library Technology Lending(opens in new window) if you need to borrow a laptop.
If a room is centrally supported, Classroom Technologies Services will be the primary contact. For department rooms, please refer to the contact listed. Please contact our department if the listed name or number is incorrect for any room on this page.
Assistive Listening Systems and Microphones can be installed upon request if they are not already present in a room. For other special accommodations, please contact us directly or contact the Accessibility Resource Center(opens in new window).
Room Types: