Nationally Accredited

For first-year students and sophomores, this should be your No. 1 goal. J&PR has four courses in Chico State's General Education program that double-count in the major and can be taken as early as your freshman year:
JOUR 130W, "Writing for Public Audiences" – GE A2
JOUR 210, "Pop Culture, Media & Values" – GE Societal Institutions and U.S. Diversity
JOUR 211, "Women, Men & the Media" – GE Individual & Society
JOUR 255, "Digital Media Literacy & Civic Values" – GE Learning for Life
Note: JOUR 255 is preferred for J&PR majors. JOUR 255W is writing intensive and generally reserved for non-majors in programs that don't include as many writing-intensive course options.
Two upper-division courses – Natural and Social Sciences – must be taken from one pathway. By junior year, you should have selected which pathway you will be taking the courses from.
One of these courses should have a Global Cultures designation, so you don't have to take an additional course.
The third course, Arts & Humanities, is fulfilled by JOUR 460, "Ethical Problems in Mass Media." There is no need to take an Arts & Humanities course.
In many courses, you will be dropped from the class if you do not have the prerequisite. See your adviser if you have questions. Here are a few important prereqs in J&PR:
JOUR 260W, "Writing for Mass Media," is a foundational program course and a mandatory prereq for all writing and skills courses, unless otherwise noted.
JOUR 265, "Survey of PR & Media Relations," is a mandatory prereq for JOUR 341W, "Writing for PR"
JOUR 341W, "Writing for PR," is a mandatory prereq for JOUR 344, "PR Strategy"
JOUR 344, "PR Strategy," is a mandatory prereq for JOUR 445, TGC