Nationally Accredited

Chico State J&PR accepts the Journalism Transfer Model Curriculum(opens in new window) for community colleges in California.
This means that up to 18 units of your AA degree may count toward your J&PR major at Chico State. Accepted courses are equivalents to:
If no agreement exists on transfer courses (or when a student is in an exchange program or is transferring courses from a four-year school), it is the student’s responsibility to provide evidence that the course is equivalent to the department’s.
Please check your Degree Progress Report to see which units have counted where.
If you think a course should count toward your J&PR major, meet with the department chair to see if a substitution is possible.
The best evidence is samples of work in the course and a syllabus. We also will accept a catalog description (especially when pre-approving courses in exchange programs), but you should also ask the student about coursework, assignments, textbooks.
The evidence should be provided as soon as possible – ideally at the first meeting with your adviser – so you don't duplicate courses.