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Mission Statement, Vision & Student Learning Objectives
Mission Statement
The mission of the Department of Kinesiology is to communicate and create knowledge about sport, exercise, and physical activity. The department achieves its mission through innovative and engaging instruction, scholarship, and professional service. The uniqueness of our integrative discipline is that we work directly to promote lifelong learning and participation in human movement to enhance quality of life for all.
To be a national leader in communicating and creating knowledge about physical activity to enhance the quality of life for all.
Student Learning Objectives
The Department of Kinesiology’s Student Learning Outcomes describe the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of a Kinesiology graduate. These outcomes are consistent with the university strategic plan, department mission, and the standards set by professional organizations within the field. All undergraduate and graduate programs and options address these learning outcomes through specialized learning objectives. Specialized learning objectives are measurable competencies designed to address the relevant graduate, professional and credentialing standards. CSU, Chico graduates with a BA, BS, and MA from the Department of Kinesiology demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions in the following areas:
- Content Knowledge – Students will demonstrate knowledge and disciplinary concepts related to the field of Kinesiology
- Communication – Students will apply knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to enhance learning and engagement in physical activity
- Reflection and Critical Thinking – Students will demonstrate reflection and critical thinking in order to refine professional practice.
- Programming and Assessment – Students will demonstrate evidence-based knowledge and skills (and best practices) for assessing client/student needs and for designing, implementing and evaluating programs.
- Professionalism and Ethics – Students will demonstrate professional behaviors, including commitment to excellence, valuing diversity and collaboration, service to others, and techniques for lifelong learning.
- Value Physical Activity and Fitness – Students will articulate a philosophy that physical activity programs are important to health and well-being of individuals, and that physical activity can foster self-expression, development, and learning.
The department’s activity and GE courses generally focus on three learning goals: knowledge of various physical activities, developing skills related to those physical activities, and improving attitudes about physical activity in hopes that participation in physical activity will increase.