Department of Kinesiology

APE Added Authorization

Students who obtain the Adapted Physical Education Authorization have been highly successful in obtaining teaching positions.

Not only does an APE Authorization practically guarantee job placement, it also provides for an exciting, fun, dynamic and challenging career.

Currently there is a high demand for APE specialists in the public schools of California. In addition, students who choose the APE Authorization have greater marketability because of the trend in education to provide more inclusion of students with disabilities in the general physical education curriculum.

Many individuals from the Liberal Studies Program as well as the Single Subject Physical Education Program become interested in Adapted Physical Education after they take their first introductory course, KINE 315 Introduction to Adapted Physical Activity. The curriculum included in the APE Authorization is grounded in theory, current research and practice. The current coursework requires that students have a strong foundation in physiology, physical education curriculum, biomechanics, motor development, motor learning, and measurement.

Graduate Students Transferring to Earn the Adapted Physical Education Added Authorization (PDF)


Required courses for APE Specialist Credential
Program RequirementUnitsTerm
Prerequisites: First Aid and CPR  
KINE 315S Introduction to Adapted Physical Activity3.0Fall / Spring
KINE 351 Aquatics for the Adapted Instructor (optional)2.0Summer
KINE 513S Programming in Disability Sport3.0Fall
KINE 514S Programming for Individuals with Mental, Emotional, and Learning Disabilities3.0Spring
KINE 515 Collaboration in Adapted Physical Education or SPED 6913.0Spring
KINE 516S Motor Assessment for Individuals with Disabilities3.0Fall
KINE 520S Interdisciplinary Autism Clinic3.0Fall / Spring
KINE 617 Fieldwork in Adapted Physical Education3.0Fall / Spring

All students desiring to obtain the APE Authorization must also:

  • Successfully complete the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST).
  • Complete a single subject physical education waiver program (university approved single subject program in physical education) or pass the CSET exam for single subject physical education or multiple subjects.
  • Maintain a GPA equivalent to or above that which is required for the professional preparation program.
  • Complete the professional preparation program.

APE Student Teaching Manual (2015) (PDF)

  • The purpose of the student teaching experience is to provide the prospective teacher with an opportunity to observe, develop, and practice teaching skills in adapted physical education. This is usually the culminating and most important experience in your professional preparation toward receiving the Adapted Physical Education Added Authorization. 

Service Learning Experiences

Throughout the coursework for the APE Added Authorization, students have the opportunity to experience a variety of service learning experiences such as: