Department of Kinesiology

APE Authorization Summer Program

Do you already have a P.E. credential or an Education Specialist credential?

Would you like to also earn an APE authorization, but you work during the school year?

This is the program for you! 
Earn your APE Authorization in our summer program.

How Does the APE Summer Program Work?

Courses are taught during the summer on the CSU, Chico campus.  Students come to campus, either stay in off campus private housing or make other arrangements, and take courses with other teachers for the summer.  The program provides great networking opportunities - you'll spend the summer taking courses with other teachers from across the state!  Students typically complete the program in 2 -3 consecutive summers, depending on enrollment.


Applicants must hold either a current credential that authorizes the teaching of physical education, such as such as a Single Subject credential in Physical Education or a Multiple Subjects* credential, or a current Preliminary Education Specialist* credential.

* PE subject matter competency required.

Required Courses

KINE 315S - Introduction to Adapted Physical Activity (3 units)

KINE 513S - Programming in Disability Sport (3 units)

KINE 514S - Programming for Individuals with Intellectual, Neurological, and Learning Disabilities (3 units)

KINE 515 - Collaboration in Adapted Physical Education (3 units)

KINE 516S - Motor Assessment for Individuals with Disabilities (3 units)

KINE 520S - Interdisciplinary Autism Clinic (3 units)

KINE 617 - Field Experience in Adapted Physical Education (3 units)

Visit Kinesiology Course Offerings(opens in new window) for course descriptions.

Optional Course

KINE 351 - Aquatics for the Adapted Instructor (2 units)

Course Schedule

Classes run Monday through Thursday, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. Dates are as follows:

KINE 514 Programming for Individuals with Intellectual, Neurological, and Learning Disabilities June 23-25 & June 30-July 3, Marci Pope,

KINE 515 Collaboration in Adapted Physical Education, July 7-10 & July 14-17, Dr. Heidi Erickson,

Courses may not be offered if minimum enrollment is not met.

Summer Courses Schedule
Summer courses in even years Summer courses in odd years

*KINE 315S will be offered as needed depending on students’ experience.

**KINE 617 is a final capstone course of field experience, teaching adapted physical education during a regular semester while you are home.  Scheduling of the field experience will be coordinated with your advisor.

How to Apply

To apply for the APE Summer Program, complete and submit the Application for APE Summer Program. (PDF)

  • Submit by the first deadline of January 31st to be eligible for the first acceptance review period and considered for early acceptance.
  • Submit by the second and final deadline of May 1st to be eligible for the second acceptance review period.

Mail your complete application materials to:

Marci Pope
Kinesiology Department
CSU, Chico
Chico, CA 95929-0330

APE Summer Program admittance is on a space available basis.

Register for Courses

The Center for Regional and Continuing Education administers the Summer Session courses.  You will register and pay for your courses directly with this office, either by phone or in person. Registration begins in April.

To register, call the Center for Regional and Continuing Education at 530-898-6105 and pay by phone.

  • You will pay the course fee via phone using your own credit card.
  • You have all the way until the start of class to register for a course.  Our courses are not advertised to the public and are reserved for APE students, so you don’t have to worry about the course filling. 
  • You can read more about the policies and procedures of paying for a summer course at Center for Regional and Continuing Education(opens in new window).

Arrange for Housing

If you would like to stay on campus while you are here taking courses, summer housing is only available in an off campus private dormitory. The Social Chico 866-607-6945.

Summer Costs(opens in new window)

Determine your costs for course fees and books.

Our summer class of 2016

Our summer class of 2015

Our summer class of 2014

Our summer class of 2013

Our summer class of 2012

Our summer class of 2011

class of summer 2011