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Autism Clinic: Information for Families
Welcome to the Autism Clinic family page. Here you will find a list of resources and support services that are provided for participating families. The links below include resources for home activities, clinic closure dates, upcoming camps, and extra sponsored activities.
Does My Child Have Autism?
Do you suspect that your child may have autism? Have you noticed any of the following behaviors?
- Lack of eye contact
- Delayed language development
- Preference to play alone/lack of interaction with others
- Unusual motor behaviors
- Environmental sensitivities (e.g.: sensitivity to sound, light, or textures)
The Far Northern Regional Center(opens in new window) provides services to developmentally disabled persons. Phone 530-895-8633.
Rowell Family Empowerment of Northern California, Inc.(opens in new window) provides free services to families of children with special needs.
The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-V, Text Revision (DSM-V-TR) provides standardized criteria to help diagnose ASDs.
The Wendy Klag Center for Autism & Developmental Disabilities provides a fact sheet on Autism Spectrum Disorders. provides a guide for college resources for students with disabilities, including rights, grants and scholarships.
Downloadable Resources
Developing Sensory and Motor Skills
Click on any of the following links to discover fun and playful activities to develop motor skills and support the sensory system at home.
Print your own copy of the Movement Wheel (PDF) to use at home.
- Dribbling (PDF)
- Kicking (PDF)
- Throwing & Catching (PDF)
- At Home Activities by Beth Stark (PDF)
- At Home Fun, Recreational, & Sensory Activities by Jackie Glaze (PDF)
- Movement Literacy Skills (PDF)
Additional Activities and Information
- Kidding Around Yoga - Yoga classes for kids with Autism, ADHA and other special needs
- 101 Top Special Needs Groups, Camps & Activities - PhD in Special Education
- Combating Bullying, including a Special Needs Anti-Bullying Toolkit by Autism Speaks(opens in new window)
- Communication in Public Places by Allison Laviolette (PDF)
- Social Stories and Visual Scripts for Daily Living and Social Skills (opens in new window)
- Nutrition for People with Autism: The Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet Guide by Lisa Korstad (PDF)
- Parent Resouces to exchange supportive and helpful information.
- PE Central: The Premier Web Site for Health and Physical Education(opens in new window)
- Play and Language by Carly Gordon (PDF)
- Physical Education Requirement in IDEA by in new window)
- Puberty and Adolescence Resource by ATN/AIR-P Puberty and Adolescence Resource Workgroup (PDF)
Links to Autism Agencies
- Autism Answers
- Autism Internet Modules(opens in new window)
- Autism Society of America Foundation(opens in new window)
- Autism Speaks(opens in new window)
- AWAARE Collaboration
- International Society for Autism Research (INSAR)(opens in new window)
- Masters in Health Care: 100 Useful Sites, Networks, and Resources for Parents of Autistic Children(opens in new window)
- National Autism Association(opens in new window)
- National Autism Center
- Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI)(opens in new window)
- UC Davis MIND Institute(opens in new window)
Links to Local Autism Organizations for Kids and Adults
- Advance Kids(opens in new window)
- The Arc of Butte County(opens in new window)
- Autism Lifespan(opens in new window)
- BB Consulting: Bambi Berdahl, Behaviorist (phone) 530-354-6022
- Caminar Butte County(opens in new window)
- Capitol Autism Services
- California Vocations Inc. provides residential and vocational support to developmentally disabled adults.
- Family First, provides early childhood, autism and behavior intervention services
- Guided Spectrum(opens in new window), a Chico-based therapy and consulting organization specializing in Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Little Red Hen(opens in new window)
- Mains’l(opens in new window)
- Remi Vista, Inc.: Youth & Family Services(opens in new window)
- Rowell Family Empowerment of Northern California, Inc.(opens in new window)
- Work Training Center