Department of Kinesiology

Autism Clinic: Information for University Students

With the current rise in autism rates, you are almost guaranteed to work with individuals on the autism spectrum in almost any profession you choose. 

The range of academic disciplines includes:
  • Adapted physical education
  • Child development
  • Exercise physiology
  • Nursing
  • Nutrition and food science
  • Psychology
  • Recreation therapy
  • Special education
  • Speech and language pathology

How to Get Involved

  • Sign up for KINE 520 to learn about current research and participate weekly in the autism clinic while earning units
  • Volunteer in the clinic
  • Fulfill other service learning requirements or internships
  • Ask about other volunteer opportunities
  • Contact Josie Blagrave for more details at:
Autism Clinic Curriculum

KINE 520 Interdisciplinary Autism Clinic


Prerequisites: A survey course on disability, faculty permission. 

This course covers the organization, administration, planning, and evaluation of interdisciplinary programming for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The course is for students who are interested in working with children with autism and their families. Students examine research from a variety of disciplines and discuss within interdisciplinary teams the needs and effective support for a child and his or her family via direct service to children with ASD in a University laboratory setting. You may take this course more than once for a maximum of 6.0 units.

What happens in your volunteer experience?

You will first meet with the clinic director to discuss your volunteer potential and find a good match for your skills and background.  In the past, students have assisted with hands-on play and programming for individuals, nutrition research and advising, creating story boards and social stories, program implementation, assisting with research, as well as a variety of other opportunities.

Autism Clinic Pages

Autism Clinic Overview

Autism Clinic for Families

 Autism Clinic for University Students