Program Requirements
1. Literacy requirement
The University requires that all students demonstrate writing proficiency appropriate to their level and degree objective. In order to meet this requirement, students in Teaching International Languages are asked to submit a justification statement in which they articulate the relationship between their professional goals and the program they have developed in consultation with the graduate coordinator and other faculty advisers. In this statement, students describe the course work they propose to include in their program and explain the basis for their choices. The first part of the statement provides a description of the component disciplines and the way that they fit together to comprise an integrated program of study. The second part addresses the relationship of the proposed program to professional requirements in the field and projected career goals.
The justification statement should be submitted to the graduate coordinator during the student’s first semester in the program. It should be at least two pages in length, typewritten, and double-spaced. This writing sample represents only the first level of review. If writing proficiency is in question at this point or any point later in the process (i.e., in classes or the culminating activity), students may be required to take appropriate steps to improve their writing skills (e.g., going to the writing center, taking a writing course, a credit/no credit writing course).
2. Completion of an approved academic program plan
All requirements established by the program’s Advisory Board, the student’s graduate advisory committee and the Office of Graduate Programs must be met, to include
- completion of an approved program consisting of 36 units of 400/500/600-level courses.
- the common core of course work (12 units), language studies (12 units), cultural studies (6 units), research (3 units), and master’s study (3 units).
- at least 21 units of 600-level coursework.
- no more than 9 units of transfer and/or extension (Open University) credit (correspondence courses, and UC extension course work are not acceptable).
- no more than 15 units taken before admission to classified status.
- at least 9 units completed after advancement to candidacy.
- no more than a total of 10 units of Independent Study (698), Comprehensive Examination (696), and Master’s Study (699) combined.
- no more than 6 units of Master’s study (699)
- completion of required course work and approved electives.
3. Teaching experience
In addition to the practicum experiences required in ENGL 470 and EDSL 610, students entering the program without teaching experience must demonstrate experience prior to graduation through one or more of several options
- internship courses offered by different departments;
- professional field experience (EDCI 689);
- teaching experience as an instructor with the American Language and Culture Institute on campus;
- as an instructor in other university programs (e.g., Languages and Cultures) or at the community college level (e.g., Butte College, Shasta College; Yuba College);
- teaching experience overseas; or
- by other appropriate means.
Students are advised to consult with the Graduate Coordinator regarding this requirement.
4. Culminating activity
Completion and final approval of a thesis, project, or comprehensive examination is required of all students. On a thesis or project, the signed approval page provides documentation of approval by the student’s graduate advisory committee. A Thesis/Project Verification Sheet also needs to be submitted to verify compliance with university policies.
5. Oral defense/Oral examination
An M.A. oral is required of all candidates in the program. This takes the form of an oral defense for those doing theses and projects. For those opting for a comprehensive examination, the oral examination is an extension of the written portion of the comprehensive examination. Presentation of the professional portfolio is part of the oral for all candidates. Satisfactory completion of the oral is reported to the Office of Graduate Programs on the Final Progress Sheet.
6. Final approval
The Graduate Coordinator must approve all Master’s theses and projects.