Multicultural and Gender Studies

Gender & Violence In Cuba & California

Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017, 5–7 p.m.
100 A/B

Cubanabooks and Expresiones Literarias Artísticas y Culturales de Chico (ELACC) cordially invite you to a talk and an analytical discussion on Gender and Violence in Cuba & California, with visiting Cuban writer Aida Bahr, on September 27th, 2017 in Colusa 100a/b from 5-7pm.

At this ground-breaking event, Aida Bahr, an award-winning Cuban author published with Cubanabooks, will showcase her bilingual collection of short-stories, “Ofelias/Ophelias”. As a dynamic feminist and academic, Dr. Bahr utilizes the power of narrative to dive into the controversial topics of gender, interpersonal violence, substance abuse and sex.

“Ofelias/Ophelias” reveals a darker side of Cuban reality, in which women are pushed to the edge of madness--provoked by domestic violence, abandonment, adolescent drug use, inter-generational strife, and the fallout stress of the double or triple shift that women bear.

After hearing from the author, participants will be breaking into a small group-discussion, where each attendee will converse with others about these highly relevant topics, both in Cuba and in our own lives here.

Light refreshments will be provided.

For more information or clarification contact:

Bobby Sue Althaus, Outreach Coordinator for ELACC

email: in new window)

Aida Bahr
Aida Bahr is a Cuban author and activist

Aida's book Ofelias/Ophelias is available as an English/Spanish bilingual edition, with translation by Dick Cluster, and is in BookRiots' top 100 Must-Read Latin American Books!