Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing


Click on a course in the left column to view its description, prerequisites, objectives, outcomes, topics covered, and more. Click on a course in the right column to view a current syllabus. Note that only EECE and MMEM courses are listed.

List of Classes and Most Recent Syllabus
Required CoursesMost Recent Syllabus
EECE 144 Logic Design FundamentalsEECE 144 (PDF)
EECE 211 Linear Circuits IEECE 211 (PDF)
EECE 211L Linear Circuits I ActivityEECE 211L (PDF)
EECE 237 Embedded Systems DevelopmentEECE 237 (PDF)
EECE 311 Linear Circuits IIEECE 311 (PDF)
EECE 315 Electronics IEECE 315 (PDF)
EECE 344 Digital Systems DesignEECE 344 (PDF)
MECH 100 Graphics IMECH 100 (PDF)
MECH 100L Graphics I LaboratoryMECH 100L (PDF)
MECA 140 Intro to Design and AutomationMECA 140 (PDF)
AMAR 160 Manufacturing ProcessesAMAR 160 (PDF)
MECH 200 Graphics IIMECH 200 (PDF)
MECH 210 Materials Science/EngineeringMECH 210 (PDF)
MECH 210L Materials Sci/Engineering LabMECH 210L (PDF)
MECH 320 DynamicsMECH 320 (PDF)
MECH 340 Mechanical Engineering DesignMECH 340 (PDF)
MECA 380 Measurements & InstrumentationMECA 380 (PDF)
MECA 440AW Capstone Design IMECA 440AW (PDF)
MECA 440B Capstone Design II MECA 440B (PDF)
MECA 482 Control System DesignMECA 482 (PDF)
MECA 486 Motion and Machine AutomationMECA 486 (PDF)