Keiko Goto, PhD
- Email:
- Phone: 530-898-6767
- Location: Holt 328
Courses Taught
- NFSC 120 Intro to Food Science
- NFSC 310 Global Nutrition
- NFSC 320 Science of Food
- NFSC 345 Dietary Supplements and Functional Foods
- NFSC 429 Cultural Food
- NFSC 600 Research Methods in Nutritional Science
- NFSC 667 Issues in International Nutrition
Keiko Goto is originally from Japan. She was born in Gunma Prefecture, which is famous for hot springs and tough women. She holds a B.S. in food science and technology from Kyoto University, an M.S. in nutrition from UC Davis, and a Ph.D. in nutritional sciences from Cornell University. As a nutritionist, Keiko has worked in various countries such as Guatemala, Indonesia, Jamaica, the Philippines, and Tanzania, and has developed a deep appreciation of diversity in people and food. Keiko’s current research interests include food and culture, international nutrition, mindful eating, food behaviors, and the application of community-based participatory research methods in food and nutrition. She enjoys traveling, playing piano, cello and clarinet, pairing wine with foods, and playing tennis and ping-pong.
CSU Chico student authors are italicized, and undergraduate student authors are in bold.
*Corresponding and lead author
- Goto K,* Navas S, Mead S. Food as a vehicle for successful cross-cultural communication among college students: Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) in food and nutrition courses. Territories (Conditionally accepted for publication)
- Nakabayashi L, Goto K,* Cooper S, Mahlis K. Factors associated with Food Security and Satisfaction with Food-Related Life among Cuban Adults. West Coast University Journal of Health and Wellness. Accepted for Publication
- Goto K* and Gutierrez-Gomez Y. (2024) Research Globally, Learn Globally: An Innovative Course-based Research Project through Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) among Nutrition Students from American and Mexican Universities. Pedagogy in Health Promotion 10(1), 56-62.
- West H, Goto K,* Navas S, Trechter S, Klobodu S. (2022) Evaluation of a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): A Food Product Analysis and Development Project. Food, Culture and Society. DOI: 10.1080/15528014.2022.2069441
- Chiodo C, Goto K,* Horst K, Giampaoli J, Giromini L. (2022) Food Attitudes, Mindful Eating, and Satisfaction with Food-Related Life among Italian and American University Students. Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. DOI:10.1080/19320248.2022.2052783
- Jensen K, Goto K,* Giampaoli J, & Holland J. (2021) Factors Associated with Consumer Knowledge of Garlic Health Properties, Garlic Preparation Knowledge and Garlic Intake. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 19(1), 44-53.
- Withrow-Wong R, Goto K,* Klobodu S. (2021) Factors Associated with Perceived Health and Perceived Nutrition among Women in Nadi, Fiji. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition, 16(6), 770-782. DOI: 10.1080/19320248.2021.1898515
- Mendez R, Goto K,* Song C, Giampaoli J, Karnik G, Wylie A. (2020) Cultural Influence on Mindful Eating: Traditions and Values as Experienced by Mexican-American and Non-Hispanic White Parents of Elementary-School Children. Global Health Promotion Volume: 27 issue: 4, page(s): 6-14.
- Pierson S, Goto K,* Giampaoli J, Hart S, Wylie A. (2019) Impacts of a mindful eating intervention among elementary school children and their families on healthy food-related behaviors and mindful eating practices. Californian Journal of Health Promotion 2019, 17(2), 41-50.
- Giampaoli G, Goto K, Yang S, Hart S, Wylie A (2019). Factors associated with mindful food parenting practices. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 2019; 17(1): 45-60.
- Hart S, Pierson S, Goto K, Giampaoli J. (2018) Development and Validation of a Mindful Eating Questionnaire for Children. Appetite 2018;129:178-185.
- Simon A, Goto K,* Breed J, & Bianco S. (2018) Factors Associated with Food Insecurity and Food Assistance Program Participation among University Students. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 16(1), 73-78.
- Wylie A, Pierson S, Goto K,* Giampaoli J (2018). Evaluation of a mindful eating intervention curriculum among elementary school children and their parents. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 50 (2). 206-208. Received the JNEB’s 2019 Best GEM Award
- Margolin A, Goto K,* Wolff C, Bianco S. (2017) Let’s talk food: Elementary school students’ perceptions of school and home food environment and impact of the Harvest of the Month program on their dietary attitudes and behaviors. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 2017; Vol 9, No ¾
- Medina X, Giampaoli J, Goto K, Hart S. Bianco S. (2017). The effect of a farm stand on fruit and vegetable preferences and self-efficacy among students from a low-income school. Journal of Child Nutrition and Management. Volume 41. Issue 1. Spring 2017.
- Pierson S, Goto K, Giampaoli J, Wylie A, Seipel B, Buffardi K. (2016). The development of a mindful-eating intervention program among third through fifth grade elementary school children and their parents. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 14(3).
- Mitchell-Brown F, Nemeth L, Cartmell K, Newman S, Goto K. (2016) A Study of Hmong Immigrants' Experience With Diabetes Education: A Community-Engaged Qualitative Study. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 2016 Aug 2. pii: 1043659616661393.
- Goto K,* Whitten J, Giovanni M, Wolff C. Bianco S. (2016) Understanding possible roles of locally-grown ethnic produce in dietary practices and food cultures: An exploratory study. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. Page 72-85
- Roche A, Goto K,* Zhao Y, Wolff C. (2015) “Bonding” and “bridging” social and cultural capitals: perceived factors associated with family eating practices among Hmong, Latino and white mothers and fathers. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 47(6):540-547.
- Morris J, Goto K,* Wolff C, Bianco S, Samonte A. (2015) Get Cookin’: Investigating the effects of a six-week cooking intervention on cooking and dietary behaviors among low-income families. Californian Journal of Health Promotion Volume 13 Issue 2 48-60.
- Chen Q, Goto K,* Wolff C, Bianco-Simeral S, Zhao Y. (2015) Correlations between children’s exposure to ethnic produce and their healthy dietary behaviors. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, Volume 17, Issue 2 (2015), Page 383-388.
- Song C, Goto K, Hu M, Wolff C. (2015) The Impact of Social and Cultural Factors on the Consumption of Western Fast Food among Chinese Children. Community Development Journal Vol 50 No 4 October 2015 pp. 709–723.
- Seipel B, Carlson SE, Bianco-Simeral S, Frigaard M, Wolff C, Goto K. (2014) The Nutritional Moral of the Story: An Examination of Storybooks Used to Promote Healthy Food-Choice Behavior. Psychology and Education Journal. 51(3&4), 30-41.
- Goto K,* Whitten J, Giovanni M, Wolff C. (2014) Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors Regarding Ethnic Produce at Farmers’ Markets. Californian Journal of Health Promotion. Volume 12, Issue 3, 71-78.
- Chen Q, Goto K,* Wolff, C, Bianco-Simeral S, Gruneisen K, & Gray K.(2014) Cooking up diversity: impact of a multi-component, multi-cultural, experiential intervention on food and cooking behaviors among K-2 students from low-income ethnically diverse families. Appetite, 80:114-22.
- Goto K,* Ominami C, Song C, Murayama N, Wolff C (2014). Globalization, localization and food culture: perceived roles of social and cultural capital in healthy child feeding in Japan. Global Health Promotion. Vol 21(1): 50–58.
- Voorhees J, Goto K,* Wolff C. (2014) Overweight, hypertension, and fruit and vegetable consumption among Hmong and white middle school students. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 16:273-279.
- Zhao Y, Goto K,*, Wolff C, Song C, Bianco-Simeral S. (2013). Relationships between Children's Food Consumption and Social and Cultural Capital Levels among Latino, Hmong, and Non-Hispanic White Parents of K–2 Children. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition, 8(4): 472-489.
- Gerson A, Goto K,* Wolff C, Giovanni M (2013). Food, health and values: the effects of attitudes and behaviors regarding sustainable food practices on overall diet quality among college students. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, Volume 11, Issue 2, 53-60.
- Goto K,* Waite A, Chan K, Giovanni M, Wolff C.(2013) Do environmental interventions impact elementary school students’ lunchtime milk selection? Journal of Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy. 35 (2): 360-376.
- Goto K*. (2013) Local and cultural feast: Facilitating students’ learning in the area of sustainable food practices among different cultural/ethnic groups. American Dietetic Association Hunger and Environmental Nutrition Supplemental Materials. Lessons for Educators P68-77.
- Frigaard M, Wolff C, Goto K,* Bianco-Simeral S, Fahey T. (2012) Identifying Red Flags: Using Anthropometry Measures to Screen for Elevated Blood Pressure Risk in Children. Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition. 5(1):37-42.
- McCarthy E, Wolff C, Bianco-Simeral S, Goto K*. (2012) Promoting fruit and vegetable preferences among low-income Hispanic and White middle school students. Journal of Child Nutrition and Management Volume 336, Issue 2, Fall 2012.
- Goto K,* Tiffany J, Pelto G, Pelletier D. (2012) Young people’s experiences in youth-led participatory action research for HIV/AIDS prevention. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies. 4: 396–408.
- Evans K, Goto K,* Wolff C, Frigaard M, and Bianco-Simeral S. (2012) Teachers’ perceptions indicate success for Harvest of the Month Nutrition Education Program. Californian Journal of Health Promotion. 10(1):113-124.
- Boek S, Chan K, Bianco-Simeral S, Goto K.* (2012) Gender and race are significant determinants of students' food choices on a college campus. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 44(4):372-8.
- Kopping D, Nevarez H, Goto K,* Morgan I, Frigaard M, Wolff C (2012). A longitudinal study of overweight, elevated blood pressure and acanthosis nigricans among low-income middle school students. Journal of School Nursing. 28(3):214-219.
- Fukutome N, Goto K, Ayabe S, Chen MH, Chang CC, Kasai M.(2011) A study of cooking terms and expressions for the water heating process - English, Japanese and Chinese - The Journal of Asian Regional Association for Home Economics. Vol. 18, 100-110.
- Fiori K, Wolff C, Goto K,* Frigaard M, Chan K, Bianco-Simeral S.(2011) Discrepancies among student school lunch preferences, menu options, and consumption patterns in a low-income northern California high school. Californian Journal of Health Promotion. 9(2):29-39.
- Wood L, Wolff C, Bianco-Simeral S, Goto K (2011). Impact of a K – 8 nutrition education program on student, teacher, and school-wide practices. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 43(4)(suppl 2):S145-S147.
- Voorhees J, Goto K, Bianco-Simeral S, Wolff C (2011). Impact of the Harvest of the Month Program on low-income Hmong and white middle school students. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 43(4)(suppl 2):S152-S154.
- Goto K*, Bianco-Simeral S (2011). Acceptance of a healthier substitute for regular pepperoni pizza among campus consumers. Californian Journal of Health Promotion. 9(1):9-17
- Vue WM, Wolff C, Goto K.* (2011) Hmong food helps us remember who we are: Perspectives of food culture and health among Hmong women with small children. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 43(3):199-204.
- Goto K.* (2011. Academic researchers' roles in participatory action research, theory development, and the improvement of community-based health projects. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice. 1(2):1-12.
- Goto K,* Vue WM, Xiong T, Wolff C. (2010) Analyzing divergent perspectives on food, culture and health among Hmong mothers with middle school children. Food, Culture and Society. 13(2):181-200.
- Goto K, Pelto G, Pelletier D, Tiffany J. (2010) “It really opened my eyes:” The effects on youth peer educators of participating in an action research project. Human Organization. 2010;69(2):192-199.
- Mathews L, Morris MN, Schneider J, Goto K.* (2010) The relationship between food security and poor health among female WIC participants. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. 5:85–99.
- Goto K* and Schneider J (2010). Learning through teaching: Challenges and opportunities in facilitating student learning in food science and nutrition by using the interteaching approach. Journal of Food Science Education. 9(1):31-35.
- Rohall S, Ballintine J, Vowels J, Wexler L, Goto K.* (2009) Consumer acceptance and sensory properties of burger patties made with different types of meat or plant-based products. Californian Journal of Health Promotion. 7(Special Issue Obesity Prevention):1-6.
- Franklin R, Schneider J, Goto K.* (2009) Factors Associated with the use of dietary supplements among African-American adults. Californian Journal of Health Promotion. 7(1):67-75.
- Goto K,* and Schneider J. (2009) Interteaching: A new innovative approach to facilitate university student learning in the field of nutrition. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 41(4):303-304
- Goto K* and Bianco-Simeral S. (2009) The effects of involving the campus community in an experimental food research project on students’ learning outcomes. Journal of Food Science Education. 8(2):39-44.
- Goto K,* Tiffany J, Pelto G, Pelletier D. (2008) Use of Q methodology to analyze divergent perspectives on participatory action research as a strategy for HIV/AIDS prevention among Caribbean youth. AIDS Education and Prevention. 22:301-311.
- Carter S, Wolff C, Schuldberg J, Goto K. (2007) Perceived barriers to dietary and physical activity changes in ethnically diverse middle school students. Californian Journal of Health Promotion. 5(4):21-31.
- Goto K, Chew F, Torun B, Peerson JM, Brown KH (1999). Epidemiology of altered intestinal permeability to lactulose and mannitol in Guatemalan infants. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 28:282-290.
Goto K and Anderson N. Global Food and Nutrition. Kona Publishing. 2016.
Pierson S, Giampaoli J, Goto K, Wylie A, Seipel B. Foodie U: Mindful Eating for Families. Workbook. USDA eXtension: Healthy Food Choice in School. 2017
- Goto K. Food culture in Jamaica. Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia, Greenwood/ABC-Clio. 2011:103-111.
- Goto K. Food culture in Indonesia. Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia, Greenwood/ABC-Clio. 2011:199-206.
Goto K (2009) Cwiertka KJ. Modern Japanese Cuisine: Food, Power and National Identity
Food, Culture and Society Volume 12 Issue 2. p 243-245.
Office Hours
Mon., Wed. 12:30-2:30 pm