Nutrition and Food Science

Career Support & Opportunities

Center for Healthy Communities (CHC)

The Center for Healthy Communities offers many paid positions to undergraduate and graduate students. To qualify for a paid position, CHC requires that students complete:

  • a minimum of either 135 internship hours (3 units) in one semester 
  • 90 internship hours each semester for two consecutive semesters (totaling four units)

All applicants must provide a minimum availability of 10 hours per week (Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) and complete an interview to be considered.

In rare cases, we may be able to pay an applicant before the completion of required internship hours on an individual need/individual skill basis.

Contact the CHC

Feel free to contact Stephanie Bianco for more information on paid graduate research projects at CHC.

Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences (NFSC)

On occasion, paid Teaching Assistant (TA) positions are available through the NFSC department. The department chair will inform graduate students if TA positions are open on a semester-by-semester basis.

Other Paid Positions

Paid positions in the surrounding area will be sent to graduate students via email distribution lists and on the Chico State Nutrition and Food Sciences Alumni facebook page. RD and non-RD nutrition-related positions are listed.

The Chico State Career Center provides support to all students regarding local jobs, resume review, and networking assistance.