Northern California Educational Leadership Consortium

Resources for Educators

Social & Emotional Learning

Key California (SEL) Documents

CA Guiding Principles - Full Version | Summary (PDF)

This document is intended to "inform and support strong SEL practice across the state".

SEL Embedded in Core Education Documents (PDF)

This document is offered in support of the California Department of Education’s Social and Emotional Learning Guiding Principles (2018). Written to inform and guide California K-12 Education.

SEL in CA: A Guide to Resources (PDF)

This resource guide, published in 2018, supports the California Department of Education's (CDE) focus on social and emotional learning (SEL) "as an essential component of high-quality education". Developed between the Orange County and Butte County Office's of Education.

SEL Resources and Guidance

CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL Essentials (PDF)

"A printable compilation of key activities and tools for school teams". A second edition was published in March 2020.

CASEL Roadmap to Recovery (PDF)

"Reunite, Renew, and Thrive: A Roadmap for Reopening Schools". Published July 2020.

CASEL Three Signature Practices Playbook (PDF)

A tool that supports "systemic SEL by introducing practical ways to introduce and broaden the use of SEL practices in classrooms, schools, and workplaces".

Multi-Tiered SEL and Mental Health Modules in Distance Blended Learning - CCEE(opens in new window)

Professional Learning Modules that contain online teaching and learning to promote social-emotional well-being. Published December 3, 2020.

SEL in a Virtual World (PDF)

Resources published January 2021.

Teaching Activities to Support Core Competencies (PDF)

A CASEL provided a sample "to promote student social and emotional development".

Transforming Education's SEL Integration Approach (PDF)

"Outlines how educators can integrate SEL in a way that is flexible, culturally responsive, anti-racist, and aligned with ongoing academic experiences in the classroom".

Websites and Articles

California Department of Education's SEL Newsletter Sign-Up

If you would like to receive updates from the CDOE about California’s SEL efforts, please sign up for their listserv.  To subscribe to the SEL Planning listserv, send a "blank" message to

Collaborative for Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL)(opens in new window)

From a Nation at Risk to a Nation at Hope (opens in new window)

Recommendations from the National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development

Pursuing Social and Emotional Development through a Racial Equity Lens: A Call to Action (PDF)

Published May 2018.

Educational Equity

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