College of Natural Sciences

MS in Geosciences


The MS Geosciences offered by the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences at CSU Chico is a research-based graduate degree, designed to further students’ careers in the geosciences.


The Master’s Degree Program offered by the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences at CSU Chico is designed to prepare students for advanced careers in their chosen disciplines. Specifically, graduates are able to independently conduct scientific research, effectively communicate results in public settings, and serve in vocational leadership roles.

Goals & Objectives

By the end of the Graduate Program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of historic and current literature and methods within their chosen field of study (e.g., petrology, ecology, geochemistry, sedimentology, etc.) including foundational material as well as current directions within the larger field. Students should be able to articulate how their contributions fit within a larger framework of scientific knowledge and investigation.
  • Demonstrate the ability to be independent, creative, analytical and critical thinkers within the scope of the discipline, including a basic understanding of research or project design, methods, and data analyses pertinent to their research area.
  • Demonstrate the ability to contribute to the scholarship and practices of their disciplines.
  • Analyze and communicate orally and in writing data, methods and interpretations.

Learning Outcomes

The goals of the MS Geosciences programs will be assessed by analyzing the SLOs defined below:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of historic and current literature and methods within their chosen field of study (e.g., petrology, ecology, geochemistry, sedimentology, etc.) including foundational material as well as current directions within the larger field. Students should be able to articulate how their contributions fit within a larger framework of scientific knowledge and investigation.
    1. Read and summarize both historic and current literature relevant to their research.
    2. Articulate how their research/project question fits within a larger framework of scientific knowledge and investigation.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to be independent, creative, analytical and critical thinkers within the scope of the discipline, including a basic understanding of research or project design, methods, and data analyses pertinent to their research area.
    1. Design a project/research plan including appropriate methods and data analyses.
    2. Clearly articulate how the research question will be critically addressed.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to contribute to the scholarship and practices of their disciplines.
    1. Identify a need and design a project around it.
  4. Analyze and communicate orally and in writing data, methods and interpretations.
    1. Synthesize data from different sources to draw conclusions.
    2. Utilize multiple methods for data analysis.

Curriculum Matrix (PDF)

Assessment Plan (PDF)

Closing the Loop:
Assessment Summary Update (in development)

Program Highlights(opens in new window)