Priority for Veterans
Priority for veterans is explained in our points system. Please see Prenursing Information.
Academic Credit
For conditionally admitted students who are a previous member of the armed forces and wish to receive academic credit for your education or experience, you MUST notify the Director of the School of Nursing within four weeks of your acceptance into the basic BSN program.
BRN Policies for Ex-Military Students
CSU Chico Policy Compliance with BRN Regulations for Awarding of Credit for Previous Education or Other Acquired Knowledge, Including Military Education and Experience
CSU Chico complies with California Board of Registered Nursing regulations as follows:
- The Prelicensure Student Handbook shall include a section referring to Executive Order 1036 (PDF) policy Systemwide Admission Eligibility and/or Baccalaureate Credit Awarded for External Examinations, Experiential Learning, and Instruction in Non-Collegiate Settings as the mechanism for awarding course credit for previous education or other acquired knowledge, including military education and experience. The Students handbook should note that this policy applies to all students, including those who have served or are serving in the United States Armed Forces.
- The campus nursing webpage listing information on its pre-licensure program shall provide a link identified as “Information on the awarding of course credit for prevision education or other acquire knowledge, including military education and experience” that directs to the pre-licensure student handbook (or has a PDF of the policy and procedures) that outlines program procedures related to this policy.
- A form outlining the procedures will be provided and kept as a record in the student’s file. The procedural section shall include the following key elements:
3.1 A beginning and ending timeline for notification by the student to the undergraduate nursing program director or designee of request to seek credit for coursework and presentation of materials, documents and evidence for consideration for a specify course(s). The student must adhere to this timeline for consideration in order that necessary clearance may be granted.