Here you will find important information and resources you need to navigate successfully through the program. Each semester, we will post updated advising memos with upcoming dates and deadlines, program requirements, clinical clearance information, graduation, and other important details for current RN-BSN cohorts.
Enrolled RN-BSN Students
Welcome Currently Enrolled RN-BSN Students!
Advising Memos
Course Registration
RN-BSN students register for courses through Chico State's Professional & Continuing Education (PCE) program. It is the student's responsibility to register and pay course fees on time. PCE administers all course adds, drops, and refunds.
ID Badges
During the spring semester preceding the start of the summer clinical, identification badges will be mailed to each student. You will be required to email the RN-BSN advisor a simple headshot against a solid/blank background, your updated mailing address, and your Chico State ID number. It is your responsibility to keep the RN-BSN program and the University updated with your current address.
Apply to Graduate
Graduation refers to the semester when you will complete all degree requirements. RN-BSN students will Apply for Graduation a year prior to their anticipated graduation date. This means you will apply for graduation during your first summer semester in the RN-BSN program. To avoid a late fee, students must apply by August 15th. Students will work closely with the major advisor and graduation advising to ensure you are on track to complete all requirements for graduation.
Commencement Ceremony
Commencement is for all Chico State graduates. Although RN-BSN students do not finish the program until the end of summer, they are welcomed and invited to attend the spring commencement ceremony in May prior to officially graduating. You need to register to participate in Commencement. Visit Commencement for more information. Registration opens in February of the same year you will be walking at commencement. Please note that registering for commencement is a separate process from applying to graduate as discussed above.
Immediately following the ceremony, there will be a reception for all graduates from the College of Natural Sciences. RN-BSN graduates are invited! Additionally, the RN-BSN program will provide a meeting place for a cohort photo. Details forthcoming.
Nursing Pins
Chico State Nursing Pins will be mailed to each student during the late spring semester preceding the commencement ceremony.
Regalia & Honors
Gap & Gown Rentals: For more information on renting a gap and gown, please visit Commencement and Herff Jones.
Nurse Graduation Stole: All nursing students can wear a special white with red trim graduation stole at Commencement. These stoles are available for purchase and customization at Honors Graduation. Additional information about ordering will be sent to students during the spring semester.
Kappa Omicron Honor: Additionally, qualifying nursing students may be recognized with the Kappa Omicron honor (part of the Kappa Omicron Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International [STATIC], international honor society of nursing). To qualify, students must have a 3.5+ cumulative GPA and be in the top 35% of class. Students who qualify will have a special cord to wear at commencement signifying this achievement. The School of Nursing presents this cord to students at the induction ceremony in May, by invitation only. If qualifying students are unable to attend the induction ceremony, the cord will be mailed to the student.
Honors in the Major: Currently, Honors in the Major program is not offered in the RN-BSN program. The basic BSN nursing program offers an Honors in the Major program. It is a 2-semester commitment. Students who qualify (3.5+ GPA and top 5% of class) and are invited are then required to take 2 additional honors courses (6 units total) and complete an honors project. Again, this program is not available for RN-BSN students.
Graduating with Honors: The University recognizes qualifying students graduating with honors (cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude) with a separate cord to wear at commencement. More information coming soon.
PHN Certification
Hybrid - All classes are online with on-site clinical
Degree Completed
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Designed For
Licensed RNs
ADN students
Time Frame
15 Months: June to August of the following year
Program Cost: '25-'26 Cohort
$475* per unit
With a Bachelor's Degree:
$11,400 + Books
Without a Bachelor's Degree:
$14,250 + Books
Fees Subject to Change
Application Deadline
August 1 – Until program is full
Robbin Guynn
RN-BSN Coordinator
Cinnamon McDonald
RN-BSN Program Advisor