Welcome to the Ombuds Office

Thank you for contacting the Ombuds Office at Chico State. With the recent retirement of our Ombuds, the office is currently closed.
Preserving and building collaborative relationships where we work, learn, and teach.
The California State University, Chico Ombuds Office is a confidential, neutral, independent, and informal resource where any member of the CSU, Chico campus community can discuss a complaint, conflict, or problem. The ombuds listen, help to bring forth a greater understanding of the problem, look for information applicable to the situation, and help to identify and evaluate options.
When to Visit
If you...
...need a safe place to discuss issues, concerns, or questions.
...are unsure of where to go for options to aid you in resolving a particular matter.
...feel you have been treated poorly or unfairly.
...find yourself in a teacher-student conflict.
...confused about a University policy or procedure.
Call now if any of these apply to you. Confidential voicemail: 530-898-3955
Some Examples of When to See Us
If you have a dispute or misunderstanding with a graduate assistant, instructor, or professor regarding a grade or other activity connected to the learning environment.
If you have a conflict with another student relating to campus.
If you feel a supervisor is bullying you.
If you have a conflict with a student employee working in your area.
If you, as an untenured faculty member, think you are being treated unfairly by a tenured member of your department.
If you feel selected colleagues in your area are being favored over you.
Guests of the Campus
You are confused about how to obtain specific information or whom to contact.
You have a campus-related conflict.