Orientation Leader
Year - Junior
Major - Construction Management & Political Science
W-Wildcat Moment: My proudest moment at Chico State is when I joined Greek life because it opened me up to meeting a lot of new people and building connections around campus.
I-Involvement: Some of my involvements on campus are I am apart of Eta Mu Theta Hmong Multicultural Fraternity, SPC, REACH, and the Volleyball club
L-Live: My hometown is Sacramento, CA.
D-Degree: The degrees I am currently pursuing are my BS in Construction Management and my BA in Political Science.
C-Chico: I chose Chico because It was a last-minute decision after I unenrolled from my previous university and still wanted to go to college.
A-Aspirations: My dream for the future is to build my own clinic that helps with all aspects of life as well be able to provide intern ships for high school and college students; to create my own scholarship as well.
T-Tell: I would like you to know that I am completely in love with Zendaya with my whole heart.