Orientation Leader
Year - Junior
Major - Communication Studies
W-Wildcat Moment: My proudest moment at Chico State was when I worked as an Orientation Leader this last summer. Greeting all the new students and experiencing their exciting energy made me feel proud to be a Chico State student.
I-Involvement: I am involved in New Student Orientation, Academic Senator for the College of Communication and Education, the College of Communication & Education on the Student Learning Fee committee as a student representative, SOCS (Students of Communication Studies) Club, and Lambda Pi Eta, Communication Association Honor Society.
L-Live: My hometown is Lincoln, CA.
D-Degree: I am pursuing a Bachelor’s of Art in Communication Studies with an Option in Public Affairs, Minoring in Psychology and Gender & Sexuality Studies.
C-Chico: I chose Chico because I felt most at home here. The campus is Beautiful and the town has so much character.
A-Aspirations: My goal after college is to attend graduate school furthering my education in the field of Communication Studies and ultimately helping and working with people. I am thinking about pursuing a career in Education, specifically teaching as a Professor.
T-Tell: I love traveling, and will be studying abroad in England this fall!