New Student Orientation & Transition Programs


Senior Orientation Leader

Year - Sophmore

Major - Art Studio and Art Education

W-Wilcat Moment:Being an Orientation Leader has provided me with so much insight into our beautiful campus. My wildcat moment is welcoming incoming Wildcats onto our campus and spreading happiness throughout the process! 

I-Involvement:I am involved in the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), Educational talent Search (ETS), Upward Bound, Chico State Clay Club, and I work at the Meriam Library front desk. I plan to get involved in more clubs such as the Spanish Club to embrace my cultural roots!

L-Live:I grew up in Willows, California where I learned most of what I know today! I currently reside in Chico, California as I continue to pursue my desire in Education.

D-Degree:I am majoring in Art Studio and Art Education! I have a passion for creating meaningful pieces of art. Art is a beautiful practice that allows one to explore their emotions, life experiences, and more, which I hope to teach future generations!

C-Chico:My second home is Chico, California, the place where trees thrive and the place where I am building the person I want to be. Chico is my second home, where I have gained life-changing experiences and made unbreakable bonds.

A-Aspirations:I aspire to be the best I can be, all while leaving a positive impact on all I do. I aspire to graduate from Chico State, accomplishing my degree and fulfilling my dream to teach future generations about the beauty of art. I aspire to do big things for myself and others, all while choosing to be happy throughout it all.

T-Tell:A fun fact about myself is that I do not like movies. The suspense and climax of it all is all too much to handle. The only movies I find acceptable are the Bee Movie and Coraline!

Portrait of Jasmine