New Student Orientation & Transition Programs


Student Coordinator

Year - 3rd year

Major - Art Studio and Art Education

W-Wilcat Moment:My proudest moment at Chico State is becoming involved on campus. As a person who prefers to stay in their comfort zone, being able to push myself to do more has allowed me to grow and learn more about myself!

I-Involvement:I am involved in the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), Educational talent Search (ETS), Upward Bound, Chico State Clay Club, and I work at the Meriam Library front desk. I plan to get involved in more clubs such as the Spanish Club to embrace my cultural roots!

L-Live:I grew up in Willows, California where I learned most of what I know today! I currently reside in Chico, California as I continue to pursue my desire in Education.

D-Degree:I am majoring in Art Studio and Art Education! I have a passion for creating meaningful pieces of art. Art is a beautiful practice that allows one to explore their emotions, life experiences, and more, which I hope to teach future generations!

C-Chico:My second home is Chico, California, the place where trees thrive and the place where I am building the person I want to be. Chico is my second home, where I have gained life-changing experiences and made unbreakable bonds.

A-Aspirations:I aspire to be the best I can be, all while leaving a positive impact on all I do. I aspire to graduate from Chico State, accomplishing my degree and fulfilling my dream to teach future generations about the beauty of art. I aspire to do big things for myself and others, all while choosing to be happy throughout it all.

T-Tell:A fun fact about myself is that I do not like movies. The suspense and climax of it all is all too much to handle. The only movies I find acceptable are the Bee Movie and Coraline!

Portrait of Jasmine