Year - Senior
Major - Sociology
W-Wildcat Moment: Being a part of the BSS internship program. I loved working hands-on with first generation and transfer students during their adjustment to a four-year university.
I-Involvement: I have been involved in the BSS internship program, University Housing, and Greek life.
L-Live: Palmdale, CA.
D-Degree: B.S. Sociology, Minor in Diversity Studies.
C-Chico: After visiting the school for the Choose Chico event, I learned about all the resources that the school has to offer to its students and felt that this school would help me succeed.
A-Aspirations: My aspirations for the future include earning a master's degree in higher education and, ideally, working at a university.
T-Tell: Being a first-generation college student, I had no idea how to navigate the university system. But since my time here, I've met a lot of great people who have helped me learn and grow as a person. I've also had the opportunity to develop relationships with professors and staff who have had a real impact on my experience here at Chico State. I can honestly say it has been a great experience to be able to call myself a wildcat!