Year - Senior
Major - Animal Science
W-Wildcat Moment: My proudest moment as a Wildcat was when I had the opportunity to study abroad my spring semester of 2019 in San Ramon, Costa Rica with my twin sister!
I-Involvement: I have been involved with various clubs and programs on campus including Upward Bound, Educational Opportunity Program, Chico STEM Connections Collaborative, Summer Orientation, Office of Admissions, and the Office of International Education & Global Engagement.
L-Live: I was born and raised in Colusa, CA however, my family is originally from the state of Jalisco, Mexico.
D-Degree: I am pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science and a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish.
C-Chico: Prior to my enrollment at Chico State, I participated in federal programs such as the Chico Upward Bound Projects and the Educational Opportunity Program which provide academic and financial support for students from low-income families in which neither parent held a bachelor’s degree. Throughout my time in these programs, I eventually fell in love with the campus and the community which is why I chose to commit to Chico State.
A-Aspirations: My dream is to be able to serve communities abroad while representing the Latinx community globally by working either in a secondary school teaching English or at a university setting in another country/ U.S. territory.
T-Tell: Build your own Chico State story by seeking discomfort, getting involved, and learning what your interests are. Most importantly, don’t lose sight of your vision and work hard, but don’t forget to slow down and find joy in the little things every once in a while.