Public Health & Health Services Administration

College Bowl

Chico State’s Health Services Administration College Bowl Team competes each spring against other undergraduate health administration programs in a competition sponsored by the three California chapters of the American College of Healthcare Executives.

Members of the team review topics from throughout the health services administration curriculum and present them to each other.  They have practice competitions to prepare for the competition.

From 2009 to 2014, we competed in a Northern California competition that included both graduate and undergraduate programs.  In 2015, we competed in a statewide competition only against other undergraduate schools.  Starting in 2016, this competition was opened to ACHE’s Western Region. 

Club victories:

2023 ACHE West Region (undergraduate) Irvine CA First Place

2022  ACHE West Region (undergraduate) Irvine CA Second Place

2019  ACHE West Region (undergraduate) Los Angeles First Place

2018  ACHE West Region (undergraduate) Los Angeles First Place

2017 ACHE West Region (undergraduate) Los Angeles First Place

2016 ACHE West Region (undergraduate) Los Angeles First Place

2015 California (undergraduate) Los Angeles First Place

2014 Northern California (graduate & undergraduate) Sacramento Second Place

2009 Northern California (graduate & undergraduate) San Francisco First Place

If you are interested in being a member of next year’s team, contact Lauren MurphyRick Narad, or Stan Salinas

2016 Champion

 college bowl 2023