Political Science and Criminal Justice

Fun Stuff

The Most Interesting Professor In the World*

 Professor Gibson

  • Wikipedia plagiarizes from me.
  • Students give up General Education credits to take my classes.
  • I gave TED permission to talk. 
  • My lectures have never been successfully recorded.
  • My small talk has revolutionized pedagogic theory. 
  • “I don't always drink. But when I do, I prefer Pepsi Max." 
  • "Stay caffeinated, my friends."  

*This is how Professor Gibson introduced himself to new students this Spring. Reprinted with permission from the most interesting professor in the world. 

Halloween 2015

Professor Dwyer

Professor Dwyre

Professor Irish

Professor Irish

Professor Sherlock

Professor Sherlock

From left to right, Professor Allen, Cindy DeBon, Lori Adrian, Joy Galindo, Jenifer Galetti, Professor Wilking

From left to right, Professor Allen, Cindy DeBon, Lori Adrian, Joy Galindo, Jenifer Galetti, Professor Wilking

Political Statements is the official newsletter of the Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice at California State University, Chico.

With over 1,000 total majors, the Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice is one of the largest departments at Chico State. Students choose courses from a rich curriculum, providing close student-faculty contact in each of the following majors of study: U.S. politics, legal studies, criminal justice, international relations, and public administration. The department also offers a Master of Public Administration and a Master of Arts in Political Science.

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