Procedure for Accelerated Merit Salary Adjustments
From: Robin S. Wilson, President
Subject: Procedure for Accelerated Merit Salary Adjustments
In accordance with guidelines provided by the Memoranda of Understanding for Collective Bargaining Units1-Physicians;2-Health Care Support;4-Academic Support;5-Operations Support Services;6-Skilled Crafts;7-Clerical/Administrative Support Services;8-Public Safety;9-Technical Support Services,the attached procedure for Accelerated Merit Salary Adjustments is approved for immediate implementation.
I. Purpose The purpose of this document is to set forth the procedure for granting Accelerated Merit Salary Adjustments (AMSA).
II. Applicability
This procedure applies to all employees in the following above-mentioned Collective Bargaining Units.
This procedure also applies to employees designated "confidential" pursuant to the Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act (HEERA). It does not apply to employees in Unit 3 (Faculty), to HEERA-designated managerial and supervisory employees, or to those employees excluded from the coverage of collective bargaining agreements.
III. Guidelines
Eligible employees may receive a Mer it Salary Adjustment at times other than provided by the normal Merit Salary Adjustment process. This special salary adjustment will not be arbitrary or capricious. An early merit salary step increase will be based upon effective and efficient meritorious performance over a period of time, for continuing performance which is demonstrably above and beyond the standards for normal on-the-job growth and development expected of all employees. It will reflect total performance and not just one aspect or component of the job. It is not to be used as a reward for one outstanding or large short-term project which is exceptionally well done, nor is it to be used to resolve compensation, classification or selection problems.
An AMSA moves an employee through the appropriate salary range sooner than provided for by the normal Merit Salary Adjustment process. Limits imposed by the employee's current salary range continue to exist; thus an AMSA may not be granted to an employee who has reached the top step of the appropriate salary range. An individual employee Executive Memorandum 87-08 September 3, 1987.may receive more than one early merit salary increase prior to reaching the maximum of the range, but six months must have elapsed since the last MSA before application is made. An early merit salary increase is limited to one step at a time.
The effective date of any approved AMSA will be the first day of the next pay period following final approval by the appropriate Vice President. The date of the AMSA becomes the employee's new review anniversary date. No additional funding is provided to pay for AMSAs. An AMSA which results in the salary of the incumbent exceeding the budgeted salary for the position in any given budget year must be funded by appropriate salary savings until the additional cost is funded by the state budget.
Written recommendations to grant an AMSA must include at a minimum the following:
- The employee's performance evaluation (s) indicating consistent, outstanding performance;
- A statement comparing and contrasting the performance of the employee with that of prior incumbents or other similarly situated employees. This statement will focus on the special meritorious performance and efficiency of the employee being recommended;
- The step at which the employee is to be placed if the recommendation is approved;
- A statement of the cost of the AMSA and a certification that funds are available to fund the salary adjustment.
Written recommendations to grant an AMSA must be forwarded through the appropriate Dean or Director to the Vice President or designee. At each level of review, the appropriate Administrator will indicate in writing their recommendation. The Vice President will either approve or disapprove the recommendation
IV. Procedure
- The appropriate supervisor will prepare a written justification for the award of an AMSA pursuant to the requirements of the Guidelines discussed above in Section III.
- The written recommendation will be forwarded to the Dean or Director for review. They will prepare a written recommendation indicating approval or disapproval and certify the cost of the proposed AMSA and the availability of funds following consultation with the Budget Officer. This recommendation will be forwarded to the Vice President.
- The Vice President will review the recommendation of the Dean or Director, indicate approval or disapproval in writing, and forward the recommendations to the Director of Personnel for action.
- When the Vice President approves the AMSA, the Director of Personnel processes the award and drafts a letter of notification for the Administrator's signature.
- In those cases where the AMSA is disapproved, the Director of Personnel notifies the Administrator of the disapproval.