Office of the President

Smoking Policy; Supercedes EM 85-006; Superceded by EM 02-108

Executive Memorandum 88-007 March 1, 1988

This Executive Memorandum has been superseded by 02-108 .

From: Robin S. Wilson, President

Subject: Smoking Policy; Superceded by EM 02-108.

The attached policy on smoking on campus supercedes EM 85-006 and is approved for implementation.


General Statement

The University recognizes the harmful effects of smoking and of involuntary contact with smoke. Therefore, smoking is prohibited in all university facilities.


"Smoking" means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe or other smoking apparatus for tobacco or any other plant.


This prohibition applies to the enclosed, indoor areas of all university facilities or other facilities controlled by the University, whether leased or owned. Examples of such areas are hallways, stairways, lobbies, elevators, classrooms, supply rooms, work areas, office, cafeterias, kitchens, etc. Exceptions shall be living quarters in buildings with open air system designs and university-sponsored Theatre and Dance productions and other presentations where smoking is a required part of the performance. This prohibition also applies to university-owned or controlled vans and buses.

This policy shall take effect no later than fall semester 1988. It is expected that smoking cessation programs will be available before that date.


Supervisors are responsible for informing all current employees of the University's smoking policy. Employees hired/assigned in the future will also be apprised of the policy. A reasonable effort will be made to accommodate employees' needs through smoking breaks. Students and campus visitors shall be informed of the policy through informational campaigns and by university employees. This policy shall be included in the University Catalog, appropriate contracts, and other informational publications.


Alleged violations of this policy will be reported through the appropriate complaint procedure. Employees/students violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary measures.