Office of the President

Establishment of the Janet Turner Gallery Board of Directors

Executive Memorandum 88-014 April 25, 1988

From: Robin S. Wilson, President

Subject: Establishment of the Janet Turner Gallery Board of Directors


This Executive Memorandum establishes the Janet Turner Gallery Board of Directors, which is charged with recommending policies, procedures, and activities in support of the University's responsibility to enrich the cultural experiences of the campus and the community.

The Janet Turner Gallery Board of Directors is charged with oversight of the Gallery and the recommendation of its policies, procedures, and activities. These recommendations are to be submitted to the President of California State University, Chico through the Office of the Director, Institute for Liberal and Interdisciplinary Studies.

The Janet Turner Gallery is an established gallery given permanent status on January 2, 1986 by directive of the Office of the Chancellor, California State University. The conditions for operation of the gallery include the following provisions:

  • Security, including controlled access to the storage and working areas, and a gallery attendant whenever the gallery is open.
  • Adequate insurance on the collection.
  • Adequate storage of the prints in pH-neutral storage boxes or metal storage units.
  • Mountings of rag or pH-neutral museum board mats for all prints with the exception that small prints may be mounted in rag or pH-neutral paper mats.
  • Prevention of damage from excessive humidity, dryness, and insects.
  • A paid curator who is to be responsible for the care of the collection and to plan for its use. The curator should be very familiar with the work of printmakers and printmaking techniques.
  • Arrangement of at least seven changes of exhibitions per year. A paid assistant, responsible to the curator, is needed to help carry out this duty.
  • In addition, the Gallery Board will seek permanent extramural funding independent of funds necessary to operate the University Art Gallery, and will undertake to maintain the current Janet Turner Print Gallery in its present location or to provide a gallery of equal size and named for Janet Turner in another facility at a future date.

It is the recognized commitment of the University to assure that the foregoing provisions be met and maintained in perpetuity. It is the joint purpose and responsibility of the University and the Gallery Board of Directors to assure that the gallery is enhanced and fully utilized as a teaching and public service facility. The Board will have full authority to seek additional support for the gallery from a supportive public and to counsel with the University on matters of enhanced support from the University Foundation or other endowment funding sources.

The Board will prepare an annual report, with recommendations for the forthcoming year, for presentation to the university administration, to the University Foundation Board of Directors, and to the University Alumni Association. Additional reports may be distributed to the public as deemed appropriate by the Board.

By-laws of the Board will include the following:

  • Board members will be appointed by the President of the University. Recommendations for appointees may be provided by the standing Board.
  • At least one Board member shall be from the university faculty or administration; other Board members may be appointed from the general public.
  • Board members will serve three-year terms with subsequent terms subject to reappointment by the President of the University.
  • The Board will elect a chair, recording secretary, and treasurer for two-year terms. Other officers and standing committees are appointed by the chair in consultation with the Board members.
  • The Board will meet at least twice annually; additional meetings will be arranged as needed. The conduct of meetings will be under Robert's Rules of Order.