Approval for Revisions to BS in Computer Engineering
From: Robin S. Wilson, President
Subject: Approval for Revisions to BS in Computer Engineering
The proposed revisions to the BS in Computer Engineering are approved for implementation effective Fall 1989. The changes, which reduce by three the total number of required units, include:
Adding three new core courses
CMPE 085 - Introduction to Computer Engineering
CMPE 180 - Design Specification, Documentation, and Presentation
CMPE 188 - Computer Interface Circuits
Deleting two core courses
CSCI 250 - Compiler Theory
CMPE 286 - Microprocessor Applications
Reducing from 15 to 9 units the number of units selected from pattern elective courses.
Reducing the number of elective patterns to three, as shown below.
Computer Systems Design
CMPE 230 - Fault Tolerant Systems
CMPE 235 - Advanced Computer Architecture
CMPE 236 - State Machine Design
CMPE 237 - Introduction to VLSI Systems
CSCI 250 - Compiler Theory
CSCI 272 - Multi-user OS
CSCI 283 - Microprogramming
Robotics and Controls
CMPE 251 - Advanced Software Practices
CMPE 252 - Real Time Embedded Systems
CMPE 253 - Automated Industrial Systems Architecture
CSCI 222 - Expert System Applications
CSCI 225 - Continuous Simulation
E E 260 - Robotics
E E 267 - Advanced Instrumentation
E E 295* - Control Systems I
E E 296* - Control Systems II
Systems Engineering
CMPE 241 - Integrated System Design
CMPE 243 - System Reliability
CMPE 246 - Advanced Microprocessor Systems
CSCI 210 - Software Engineering
CSCI 231 - Computer Graphics
CSCI 251 - Advanced Software Practices
CSCI 278 - Computer Networks
E E 228* - Communication Systems Design
*Requires additional prerequisites that can not be taken for credit in this pattern