Approval for Change to BA in Geography
From: Robin S. Wilson, President
Subject: Approval for Change to BA in Geography
The proposed change to the BA degree in Geography has been approved for implementation effective fall 1989. The revision, which increases total degree requirements by one unit, includes the following:
- Expansion of GEOG 109B, Computer Applications in Geography, from a one-unit to a two-unit course.
- Under Cartography Pattern, add GEOG 214, Applied Air Photo Interpretation, 3 units, to list of selected courses.
- Under Urban Economic Pattern, add GEOG 260, Natural Hazards, 3 units, and GEOG 217, Field Techniques, 3 units, to the list of selected courses.
- Under Intercultural Studies Pattern, add
- GEOG 230, Geopolitics, 3 units
- GEOG 232, Geodemography, 3 units
- GEOG 235, Historical Geography of North America, 3 units
to the list of selected courses.
- Under General Geography pattern, add 3 units selected from GEOG 217, GEOG 230, or GEOG 234 and reduce from 6 to 3 units the selection from any upper-division Geography courses. Also, add GEOG 214 and GEOG 219 to Geographic Methods and Techs sequence and GEOG 234 to Economic Cultural Sequence.
- Under the option in Planning and Development of the Rural Environment, add GEOG 214 and GEOG 217 to the list of Methodology courses.