Office of the President

Approval for Revisions to Organizational Communication Option

Executive Memorandum 88-063 October 31, 1988

From: Robin S. Wilson, President

Subject: Approval for Revisions to Organizational Communication Option

The proposed revisions to the option in Organizational Communication with the BA in Information and Communication Studies are approved for implementation effective Fall 1989. The changes, which do not affect total units required for the major, result in the following option requirements.


24 Units Required

ICST 113 - Foundations of Interpersonal Communication - 3 Units

ICST 117 - Introduction to Organizational Communication - 3 Units

ICST 203 - Interpersonal Communication Theories - 3 Units

ICST 205 - Intercultural Communication Theories and Practice - 3 Units

or ICST 200 - Gender and Communication - 3 Units

ICST 211 - Rhetorical Communication Theory - 3 Units

ICST 23 - Human Communication Theory - 3 Units

ICST 226 - Organizational Communication Theories - 3 Units

ICST 229 - The Communication Process in Organizational Decisions - 3 Units