University Teacher Education Council; Superseded by EM 07-012
From: Robin S. Wilson, President
Subject: University Teacher Education Council; Superceded by EM 07-012
Teacher preparation at California State University, Chico is an all-university responsibility. The professional course of study is provided primarily by the College of Education, while faculty from many disciplines and departments contribute to the foundation courses and credential programs. To provide program and policy oversight of the teacher education programs, the University Teacher Education Council (UTEC) was formed following passage of the Teacher Preparation and Licensing Law of 1970 (the Ryan Act).Campus-approved program changes are submitted to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, a legislative body established to review and approve all such programs. Campus programs submitted to the Commission must meet the legislative mandates of the Education Code (Title 5), standards of the Commission, Chancellor's Office directives, and local campus policy. In order to effectively meet these requirements, UTEC will work closely and cooperatively within the campus' shared governance system.
Changes in undergraduate majors related to the teacher education program and changes in credential programs may be recommended to UTEC from individual academic units and will be subject to approval through college and campus policy. In addition, the following procedures are relevant:
- Changes in the Liberal Studies major are considered by the Liberal Studies Advisory Council, a special body established to provide oversight for that major. The Council recommendations are forwarded to UTEC for policy and program review.
- Changes in programs may be mandated by legislation or by directive from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing or The California State University. UTEC will make campus recommendations for response to such legislative or directive mandates.
All program changes considered by UTEC are forwarded to the Provost. Minor changes may be sent to the Educational Policies Committee (EPC) as a matter of information prior to approval by the Provost. Major program changes are forwarded for consideration and recommendation by EPC and the Faculty Senate prior to approval by the Provost. The relationship of UTEC to other campus units and the process flow chart for program approval is shown in Figure 1. Should EPC find reason to suggest significant change in the recommendations of UTEC, EPC will resubmit those recommendations with notation to UTEC for consideration. Failure to reach accord between UTEC and EPC will require a review by the Provost for final decision prior to submission to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
The Dean of the College of Education (or designee) will serve as Chair of UTEC. It is the Dean's responsibility to assure that UTEC conducts its duties in a timely and responsible manner and that the all-university concept of teacher education is maintained. The Dean will see that the proper protocol is observed in the transmission of materials for review and will be available for consultation at all levels of the review process. The Dean may consult with the Provost prior to or during any action. Following campus approval of a given action, the Dean will consult with the Provost concerning the transmission of an action to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
The complexity of teacher preparation programs and the vast constituency served by these programs require that UTEC have a broad and representative membership. This membership includes:
- Dean of the College of Education (or designee) as chair
- Eight college representatives (one selected by each college curriculum committee from faculty representing single subject waiver programs)
- Coordinator of the Liberal Studies Program
- Chair of the Educational Policies Committee of the Faculty Senate
- Dean of the Graduate School (or designee)
- Two university teacher education representatives (Department of Education Chair and the Director of Credentials)
- Two credential candidates (one multiple subjects and one single subject) appointed by the College of Education Dean
- Two classroom teachers (one elementary and one secondary) appointed by the California Teachers Association
- Two school administrators (one elementary and one secondary) selected by the California Association of School Administrators
- One school board member appointed by the California School Board Association.