Policy on Institutes and Centers
From: Robin S. Wilson, President
Subject: Policy on Institutes and Centers; Superceded by EM 02-007
The Faculty Senate and the Provost have reviewed and recommend the Policy on Institutes and Centers. I approve the policy for implementation.
POLICY ON INSTITUTES AND CENTERS- The Provost's Office shall maintain a list of all current institutes and centers at CSU, Chico and a charter or similar document for each. All currently operating institutes and centers shall forward a copy of their charter or similar document to the Provost's Office in a timely manner, if one is not already on file there.
- During the planning phase for any new institute or center to be created within an existing academic unit, faculty in that unit should be informed of the specific plans and given opportunity to comment. The plans prepared should address the expected impact on curriculum development and delivery, on the resources of the unit, and professional development opportunities.
- The Education Policies Committee of the Faculty Senate will conduct a review of each newly proposed or reorganized institute or center appropriate to its impact on the educational programs and resources of the University. The Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and the Chair of the Educational Policies Committee will jointly determine the extent of the review. A model for such review is the consideration given to proposals for new courses and programs.
- Each institute or center will be included in the strategic plan of the unit having authority over it. The strategic plan component for each institute or center should address its impact on curriculum development and delivery and on the resources of the host unit and describe any professional development opportunities it offers.
- Institutes and centers which offer professional development opportunities shall inform the campus community of these.