Approval for Revisions to the Option in Clothing and Textiles
From: Robin S. Wilson, President
Subject: Approval for Revisions to the Option in Clothing and Textiles
I approve the revisions to the Clothing and Textiles option within the BS in Home Economics, effective fall 1991. One course is added to the required courses in the Apparel Design pattern, and two courses are deleted; four courses are removed from the selections for this pattern and four courses added. Three courses are added to the required courses of the Fashion Merchandising pattern and two courses deleted resulting in three additional units of required courses. Three units are removed from the number of choices allowed resulting in 36-38 units in this pattern. The Textiles pattern remains at 35-37 units in this pattern. The Textiles pattern remains at 35-37 units; three units were removed from the required list and added to the choice list. The number of units required for the Clothing and Textiles option moves from 53-59 to 53-60.