Changes to EM 90-055, BS with a Major in Computer Engineering
From: Robin S. Wilson, President
Subject: Changes to EM 90-055, BS with a Major in Computer Engineering
Upon the recommendation of the Provost, I approve the minor revisions to the BS with a major in Computer Engineering, effective fall 1991. Lower-division required units have been reduced from 51 to 50 units; upper-division required units have been increased from 48 to 49 units. One required course was deleted, one added, and units required for two courses were increased from 3 to 4. The total number of units required for this major remains unchanged at 108. As a result of changes that were approved spring 1989 and that were not reflected in EM 90-55, the number of units required in lower division courses are increased by three to 53 (addition of CMPE 84) and in upper division courses are decreased by three to 55 (deletion of MATH 120). The course requirements for the major remain the same, 108 units.